
Custom booking questions and fields?

Custom booking questions and fields?

I'm a bit surprised this doesn't seem to be possible. I just started a small tutoring/academic coaching business and I need to know whether the students are over 18 or not. Ultimately, it's a bit of an honor system thing, but not being able to ask for a parent's name is going to cause problems over the long term for things like processing credit cards and just knowing if the person that I'm scheduling is even legally allowed to enter into a contract or use a credit card.

3 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: How to add required custom fields for appointments?

Hey @TrinityTreasure, welcome to the seller community and thanks for bringing this up.


I went to check on this and the ability to add customized fields to the booking flow is not available at this time. I can see how this feature would streamline the check-in process for a wide variety of sellers. For now, you may need to verify additional details outside of the app.


We'll circle back with any other developments or solutions as they become available. Please let us know if you have any other questions in the meantime!

Verified Answer

Re: Custom booking questions?

Hi @Thomas2


Welcome to the Seller Community!


Custom booking questions or fields when your customers book appointments is definitely one of the more popular feature requests we've seen. 


Our Product Team is currently tracking this, and your personal use case for age limits is one that I haven't seen before, so thanks for sharing your feedback! Hopefully our Product Team can come up with a solution for this in the near future. 


Currently, the best workaround to collect additional information is to request that it be provided in the appointment notes when they book. Here's a screenshot from the customer booking side for reference: 



You can add instructions to indicate if they're 18+, and if not, to provide their parents name in the Service Description field so your clients can see it when they book. Here's another screenshot of the Service Description section: 



Hopefully one of your fellow sellers can chime in with a workaround that they currently use for their business. 


Let me know if you have any other questions 👍🏼

Verified Answer

Re: Customize Appointments form

Hi there, and welcome to the Seller Community!


I know it's pretty generic, but there currently isn’t a way to add custom fields to your online booking site, but this is a popular feature request the Appointments team is tracking.


What would be the reasoning behind changing the "How do we say hello?" section? Our Product Team would love to hear the feedback. 


Thank you for sharing your interest in this request @Abizer! I'm moving your post over to the feature request board so we can notify you of any updates so you can make the switch to Square Appointments. 😀


Thanks for participating in the Seller Community!

This reply created from merging an existing thread: "

Who Referred You field..." The author has been notified via email.


I'd like to have customers let me know who referred them and add a field where they can answer this question at the time of booking an appointment. 


Can I do this? 


Help me figure this out. 



for example the page ask for first name, last name, e-mail, phone. My customers are complainging that it takes to long to fill out and then they have to wait for a code, we should have information options. do we? and I just don't know it


Hello @Louiemain! Thanks for your post. Unfortunately there isn't a way to cutsomize the booking form but we're tracking that request here.


In the meantime your returning customers should be able to click Sign In from the top right of your online booking site.


After they select Sign In they'll see a new screen pop up:




When they enter their phone numer to sign in their information will be prefilled. Signing is intended to make booking faster/eaiser. 


If they choose to sign in as a Guest they won't have to request a code - but they will have to type in all of their information to book the appointment.

When will the custom fields feature become available? It seems like everyone has been asking for it for a long time. 

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Custom options on appointments


Is it possible to add options like You get 4 pizzas with your parties, select the number you would like.


Hello @LANKing! At this time it's not possible to create a custom form/request specific details when a client is booking an appointment online but this is a request we're tracking.


As a workaround you could add in the Service description that customers should add a note when booking (or that they should contact you) to let you know if they want pizzas, and how many. I agree that being able to set up custom options would be really useful!

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Custom Appointment Form


I was reading the threads on "Custom Appointment Forms", and it seams Square has been "Tracking" this need for over 2 years!  Are y'all getting any closer to having this solved, or should I look elseware for appointment forms?

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Custom fields in Appointments


I run a laser tag business and use square to book parties and events.  It's been working fine for a few years now, but I've been waiting on a feature that I have seen other people request, I want to collect additional information when someone is booking a party.  

I know there is already a notes field, but I would prefer the ability to ask questions based on the services the customer selects.  For instance if someone books a birthday party, I would like to know how big of a party they are expecting.  10 kids, 20 kids?  I would like to know the age of the kids.  I would also like to know if they have ever been to my location before, and if not, how they heard about us.


Thanks for sharing how custom fields would help your business @GERaptis! It sounds like you need a combination of a way to collect event details and a way to gather marketing information/research at the same time. For the latter are you collecting that information outside of Square, e.g. with a survey? 


I've added your post to this existing feature request thread so we can keep track of this request, and post updates wtih you directly.