
Feature Request: "Mark as Shipped" option and a space to add tracking number to paid Invoices

Feature Request: "Mark as Shipped" option and a space to add tracking number to paid Invoices

The title of this post has been edited from the original: Invoice Feature Suggestion


I would like to suggest a feature for invoices that is already available for website orders. We currently have the ability to keep up with the progress of our website orders, add tracking numbers for shipments, etc. I do most of my business through invoicing, so unfortunately I do not have the ability to do any of these things. Would it be possible to apply the same features to the invoice tab on the app?  

4 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Feature Request: "Mark as Shipped" option and a space to add tracking number to paid I

PLEASE add this feature to invoices. It's ridiculous to have to e-mail our customers separate from the invoice to inform them of their shipping and tracking info, and not be able to see myself the same information from the invoice itself.


Similarly, why can't we create shipping labels for invoices? I'm really hoping we're just overlooking the obvious here. Instead, we've had to create a hidden page for our store and, for every invoice, log into that hidden page, put in a bogus order for "Shipping Label", then go to Square Online (Weebly), to create the label. That's a TON of extra and disconnected steps, not to mention the need to even set up the additional page, fake item, etc.


I really don't understand how features like this (a) don't exist and (b) take an inexcusable amount of time to implement.

Verified Answer

Re: Item shipped option on invoice

If you are using a Square Online website to allow customers to purchase items from you online, you are able to mark orders as ready for pickup or mark as shipped, @alfoster163.


It isn't possible to take these actions using Square Invoices. If something changes, we'll update this thread!

Verified Answer

Re: adding shipping cost

You are correct that there isn’t a specific shipping option and that you have to enter shipping as a line item. Hopefully this will be fixed quickly. 


For the the time being, for wholesale discounting, you can have line item discounts. From the dashboard, click on the customize link (if the screen doesn’t pop up immediately when you enter the item) and manually add the discount here. For the Point of Sale or Invoices app, you can tap on the item and scroll down to add a discount. This does add some time for invoice creation versus one discount at the end, but this way your shipping isn’t discounted. 

Verified Answer

Re: Where can I add flat rate shipping to invoice?

There isn't a native way to do this yet, unfortunately.


What I do for flat rate shipping is have an item named Shipping with a variable price. I add this to the invoice when needed.


@SoapyJo5 Thanks for this info. Either I'm not in the right place or I don't have that feature in my account. 

I went to 'Account & Settings' (in my main square dashboard)


All I see is:

Locations | Pricing & Subscriptions | Transfers | Receipt | Sales Taxes | Devices | Square Secure


No option for me to add a 'Service Charge' - Because that would be too easy!


Have to be on your computer not app... 

To create and edit service charges:

  1. Go to Account & Settings in your online Square Dashboard

  2. Click Business > Service charges > Create a service charge

@heather62680 I am on my PC. even tried the app. I don't have this option.  

@Square can you please advise me why my shop does not have the service charge option?  Still waiting for you to address the separate shipping charge challenge on invoices. Thanks.

Square Community Moderator

Hi @WireExpressions


The feature may not be available in your area. I'm trying to get confirmation for you, but in the meantime, it may be faster to for you to reach out to our support team directly


I think for your case it would be best to have an agent troubleshoot this one on one with you. They will be able to confirm if this is a feature available to you, or if there is a bug causing the option to not show up. 


Beta Member

I own a flower shop and when my customers order online, there is no place for them to add "card message", "Deliver To:” (Recipient name, Address, cell), “Delivery date", or any disclaimers.  I had to add all these fields myself as modifiers ONLINE, and then go into EACH item (I have over 75), manage modifiers, add new modifier, click on new modifier box to add, then move it up to where I want it.  I then have to do this to EACH item!!!!!  There MUST be an easier way to allow order to be the same for ALL ITEMS.

Furthermore, there isn’t any options to add new “Deliver To” person as a new customer to integrate with POS or campaigns.  Many times, the person I “Deliver To”, becomes a new customer.  I have to call them to ask if they’d like to be added to my mailing list, and then manually enter each person as a new customer.


Currently, the only workaround, is to leave a modifier where customer can fill in at checkout with NO integration to POS system. 


I need this feature so bad!!!! I'm getting more and more orders and having a hard time keeping up with who I have shipped to.  The only solution right now is to print out every invoice which is not financially feasible nor good for the earth.