
PDF of Invoice attached to Email

PDF of Invoice attached to Email

I see this and a workaround posted in questions but not as a feature request, so here it is:


I have many customers that want a PDF attachment of their invoice with the initial email. I know a few of the larger ones use automated systems that just enter the PDF into their payment system. Many of the others just like having it easily accessible without having to click a link and I don't enjoy spending time creating invoices and then going back to save PDFs to attach to a second email for anyone, let alone every customer.


This could be a checkbox on each invoice or a setting for all. Either way, it would be immensely helpful.

Beta Member

It would be awesome if there was an auto-generated PDF attached to each one. Or something easy like that.


Hey @Porter4dmfd and @hudson2001. I moved your post to this thread so you can read up on how to print Invoices for both you and your customers.


Be sure to check in with any other questions you might have!

 I generate my invoices on a mobile device and send from the same device.  I don't have the ability to access the dashboard in the field.  My customers have started asking for a pdf file of the invoice to print.  A link in the email for a pdf of the invoice would be nice.  One customer has told me that other companies have this feature.


Good afternoon @britty and welcome to the Seller Community! Thank you so much for starting a feature request thread for this. I can see how it would be really useful and I think the more tools and customization our sellers have over their products and business the better. I will share this feature with our Development team and merge other similar requests here as well. 


Have a nice day! 🙂

Agree and second this request!  B2B customers need to print an invoice and send through accounting/AP department to initiate payment.  The work around is a pain and looks not-so-professional.

Is there a way to attach the PDF version of the invoice to the invoice emailed to the customer by default?


Hey @paulmin,


You should be able to add a PDF attachment to share, but from the looks of things you may need to send two emails:

1. Visit Invoices in your online Square Dashboard > create a new invoice.

2. Once created and initially emailed, click on the invoice in question, click More then Download PDF

3. Click on the invoice again and press Edit then Add Attachment


4. Press Send.


Hope this helps!


I understand it's not as easy as sending it all in one go - hopefully this may come in the future, I know the "Download PDF" and "Add Attachment" features were both features added to the email invoice system fairly recently.

Beta Member

This would be really handy as many of my clients require a PDF of a bill for their accounting programs so I end up having to send them the invoice multiple times which doesn’t look very professional…

Beta Member

Agree, this seems like an obvious thing to me as many of our clients require PDF attachment, and use software that automatically grabs the PDF etc. This would be super useful for both estimates and invoices.

Any update on this? As it has been a year.

An option or tick box to add a pdf copy of the invoice in the first email sent out.  Looks very unprofessional to have to send multiple invoices so the customer has the pdf copy of their invoice.