
Deleted category still shows on website



I'm using Square Online and everything has been great.

I've been tidying up my items and categories.

I have deleted a category "Open English Match" and it appears to have been successful but when I check on the website it is still listed in the shop. If I click on it I get a 404 error.

I have deleted cache and cookies for the last hour but it still appears in the category list in the shop on the website.

Any ideas on how t clear it?


Message 1 of 19
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It has now cleared. I suspect it took a while for the system to catch up with all the changes I was making!

Message 2 of 19
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Glad to hear that the website is updated and deleted category is no longer showing up @MikeEGTSC! Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you!

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Message 3 of 19
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I didn't realise I was working fast than the server could handle it!? ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜Ž

Message 4 of 19
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I'm having this same issue. One category deleted at the same time as multiple others, is still showing on the website with a 404 error when selected. I've waited over 24hours to see if it cleared as in the OP's comments, and it hasn't. Any suggestions?
It's not showing on my dashboard and isn't coming up when I search for it. It doesn't exist anywhere other than on the published site!

Message 5 of 19
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Hi @Kat88, thanks for flagging this here in the Community. 



If you go to: Square Online overview page > Edit site > Are the categories still visible? 


If you could send a link to your site here I'd be happy to take a closer look. 


Also, it would be worth un-publishing and republishing your site. 


To unpublish your Square Online site:

  1. In your Square Online Overview page, go to Website > Site Preferences.
  2. Select Unpublish.

Then republish your site from the Square Online site editor.








Community Moderator, Ireland, Square
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Message 6 of 19
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Thanks for getting back to me on this. I've tried Unpublishing and Publishing the site but it's still showing.
When looking at the Edit Site, the categories I want to keep are still there, the one that is showing on the website is not in that list.

My website is https://www.woowooguru.co.uk/s/shop


Thanks for your help with this.

Message 7 of 19
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I'm having the exact same problem I believe, On my "shop" page, the category navigation on the left side says all my old catergories despite me trying everything I can think of to remove them. My business has gone in a new direction and I am no longer selling the items I used to sell so I need to remove all the old categories! I've tried unpublishing and republishing but its just not working.... HELP 




I used to sell personalized items and now I am venturing into Metaphysical items so i need to remove all the old categories 

Message 8 of 19
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Square Community Moderator

Hey @MysticFox22, welcome to the Community, and thank you for flagging this issue. We have received reports of items on Square Online not syncing correctly leading to an error 404 page. Sounds like your issue relates to this bug. 


I can assure you our engineers are aware of the issue and are working to find a resolution. I'll update you on this thread once we receive more information from them. 

Message 9 of 19
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Square Community Moderator

Hey @MysticFox22. Just wanted to update you that our engineering team has found a resolution to the issue you were experiencing. Relevant items and categories should now show correctly on your website.


Let me know if you need help with anything else! 

Message 10 of 19
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Hi my site is having the same issue I deleted multiple categories (about 2 days ago) and they are all still showing up. What should I do?

Message 11 of 19
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Hi @Kat88, sorry for the delay in getting back to you. 


Thanks for testing that out. I'm still getting a 404 error for Candles & Candleholders. 


I'm reaching out to our Square Online team for assistance. Once I have an update, I'll let you know. 


Thanks for your patience. 



Community Moderator, Ireland, Square
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Message 12 of 19
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Hey @Kat88, just following up to let you know know the Candles & Candleholders category no longer appears on your site. 


Apologies for the inconvenience. Let me know if I can help with anything else. 

Community Moderator, Ireland, Square
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Message 13 of 19
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That's great! Thank you so much for helping to get it sorted. ๐Ÿ™ 

Message 14 of 19
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Hello, I've got the same problem with deleted items which are appearing on my site. My site is www.upcycleworkshop.uk. Thanks in advance.

Message 15 of 19
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Square Community Moderator

Hey @UpcycleWorkshop, thanks for flagging this! Can you confirm which deleted categories are still appearing on your website, please? 

Message 16 of 19
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Hi there,


I have the same problem with 2 deleted items still showing on my site. I've tried all of the above suggestions but none have worked. My site is https://formplusgestalt.com 

The 2 product items are Constellation 6 and Constellation 10.

Many thanks in advance for your help.



Many thanks in advance for your help.




Message 17 of 19
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Not sure if this thread is still valid but I'm having the same issues too. Even worse, one of the pages (a product) is showing up when you google the name of our venue, so lots of people are clicking through! Any ideas on how to delete? 

Message 18 of 19
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Square Community Moderator

Hey there, @DanniBTM


Sorry for the late response here. 


Can you provide the specific name of the product, so we can take a better look? One of the moderators here will be on the lookout for your response!

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