Beta Member

Item visibility

Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this  issue. I have within a listing size variations and separately fabric options but not everything in every size and fabric is in stock. So previously only the items in stock would be clickable and the others would be on the drop down list but not clickable. Now everything is clickable but if it's not in stock it will say not available in the spot where you would add it to cart. I've contacted square support and they checked around and said that what I'm saying I used to have never existed and can't be done. Does anyone else remember this or what?

Message 1 of 4
Square Community Moderator

Hey @MabeeBaby,


I want to assist you with this further. Can you please provide a screenshot or recording of what you're describing so I can gain a better understanding?


I look forward to your reply.

Message 2 of 4
Beta Member

Thanks so much for getting back to me. I'm at a bit of a bit of a loss about how to fix this issue. Especially since squares telling me that it isn't possible even though it was like this before. ๐Ÿ˜ž


So if you go to this product listing. There should only be size 12/18 available in Stripe material.

Before if you selected Stripe in the material box then when you went to the size box it would have the 12/18 be bold and clickable while the other sizes were there but not clickable and not bold.

Likewise, if you selected 1218 in the size box then it would only show the materials that that size was available in. So if it's only Stripe then only Stripe would be clickable and all the other fabric options would be there but not clickable or bold. It just makes all the difference because I don't want people to have to go through every variation option checking to see if it's available or not. This could be frustrating to a point where someone will just give up and not buy anything.

Message 3 of 4
Square Community Moderator



I appreciate your patience as I take a look into it for you. I want to make sure I am providing the most accurate information. I've reached out to our ECOM team for more insight on if this is possible for your site. Once I have more information, I will reply to this thread. 

Message 4 of 4