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Square Online - website price table

Hello. I am wanting to give pricing options to customers in the form of a comparison. Is there a feature / element that will structure it in this way? It is available on Square's own website https://squareup.com/gb/en/online-store/plans

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Hello @Twiddy thanks for writing to us here in the Community! 


We don't currently have a tool in Square Online that would allow you create a pricing structure such as the one you see on our site. I think it's a really cool idea though & one that hasn't come up before (that I've seen). I'm raising it as a feature request now. 


Are you selling items or sevices on your site? By using item variations, customers will be able to see all all the different options & prices available for your items in a drop down menu. I know it's not exactly what you are looking for. 


You could also create the price comparison by using an external too & then add it to one of the sections in your site. 

Community Moderator, Ireland, Square
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Thank you. It is services that we are looking at. The item and variation wouldn't work in this instance. We are looking to sell a 'day option' and 'monthly option' with different features. 

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