Beta Member

Will Square Appointments allow you to set individual deposit amounts per service?


Ive been with Square Appointments for almost 2 years after leaving GoDaddy. One very good feature GoDaddy allowed was for us to select the deposit requirements for each service INDIVIDUALLY. Right now, with Square, you only have 2 options: ALL SERVICES to be paid IN FULL at time of booking or REQUIRE CARD ON FILE for booking. Allowing us to individually set deposit amounts/ requirements for services will be EXTREMELY helpful for those of us in the service industry. For example: I charge $10.00 for a lip wax. I only require a card on file bc it was the lesser of two evils that Square offers. But I charge $250 for a full body wax. I would like to be able to have larger ticket services pay a deposit at time of scheduling to secure that time slot. I find that big ticket services where they have to pay a deposit upfront leaves a less likely chance of a No Show appointment. Instead I have to send an invoice through Square and give them 24 hrs to pay the deposit or the appointment will be canceled. It would be a lot more time efficient if this was added to the service section as an individual option.

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Square Community Moderator

Hello, @tomiller and Welcome back to the Seller Community. 


Appointments deposit is one of the most requested features for Square Appointments. Our product team has this on their roadmap. However, I recommend you submit a Feature Request here. This will help our product team get visibility and track other Sellers with similar interest in your request. 


Important: When submitting a request, make sure to include the desired feature, and provide the details of how this feature will help your business succeed (how would you use it and what you expect from it).

Community Moderator, Square
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