
Adding an enquire now button on product page

It would be good to have the option to enquire now, rather than a buy now button on some products. 

some products require some clarification or chat before a client buys a service, so it would be good to browse items and enquire ?  

how do we make this a feature  request

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There are work arounds for this - If you turn off sync description with square POS you can hi light the text and add a hyperlink “enquire here”  This can make your site more dynamic and stand out more though the ease of cross sync makes life easier.  We often write please call before ordering this item as our catalogue contains over 600 items.  This thread might help you https://community.weebly.com/t5/How-Do-I-In-the-Community/Can-I-toggle-the-sync-for-the-descriptions... 


I’s a good idea - though timely - to save a copy of your text for each item in case it goes missing in the process.

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