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CSV download - no package weight on file

Hi everyone!


I have based my shipping costs on the weight of the package as it's the only way to ensure I'm not meeting any unexpected costs etc.


To try and help with the volume of orders, I was hoping to use the CSV file to upload to my chosen courier (Hermes). However, whilst the CSV has a lot of information, it doesn't contain the total weight of products ordered by a customer. This means the CSV essentially becomes useless and I have to manually enter the details into my couriers website for each order. This took a while and I only had 15-20 orders as it was launch day. However, if things go as planned, I expect order volumes which will make manual upload impossible. 


I feel that since my website already has the information for the weight on the order, it would be simple enough to integrate that information onto the CSV download.


I'm not exaggerating to say that this could be a deal breaker for me continuing to use Square/Weebly for my business. This issue is a big one and I absolutely love everything else about the service. I'm hoping someone can do something about this!

Scott Thomson
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Hey @SpiritandSoul,


Thanks for the feedback!


Because item weight is a setting managed via Square Online (on the Weebly side) this info is unfortunately not available in the inventory export from your main Square dashboard.


I can see how this would be a very handy feature to save time in your scenario and understand it may be a deal breaker for you based on how your currently workflow operates. While I'm not sure whether this is a feature that will be implemented in the future, I will pass on your feedback to our eCommerce product team for consideration.

Square, Australia
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