
Gift Aid Checkbox on Square Checkout Links

Currently Square Checkout links can be generated to collect donations.


In the UK many organisations collect Gift Aid, which essentially means claiming from the government an additional 25p for every £1 donation which comes out of the donors income tax contribution. To administer this organisations need to collect:


1. The donors full name

2. The donors address (at least their house number or name and postcode)


This is fine: when creating a checkout link we can add custom fields to collect the donors house name/number and postcode, and the name will already be available in the Transactions dashboard.


However, donors also need to provide a Gift Aid declaration, which basically states that they want to Gift Aid their donation and that they pay enough income tax to be able to cover it. It is not currently easy to collect this without asking donors to write "Yes" or something in a custom field.


So, could we have an optional custom checkbox that can collect this Gift Aid declaration from donors on Checkout links, just like the custom fields we already have?


Many thanks Team Square!

Ari (DevCRO)

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Square Community Moderator

Hi @DevCRO, welcome to the Seller Community! You can add additional option or modifier. You can also reach out to your donors separately if they need to sign. 

Community Manager, Square
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Hi @Emma_,


I don't think you can add options/modifiers to Checkout Links, I think you're referring to items in Square Online Stores? This simple optional checkbox would be a valuable addition to Checkout Links.


Indeed, we handle this problem at the moment by redirecting donors from the Checkout Link back to our website when they've donated, then using the Transaction ID included as a query parameter to pre-populate a hidden value on a Gift Aid form on our site. This works, but it's another barrier for donors which is undesirable, and it's a lot of work to go to when a simple checkbox would do the job!


Thanks for considering this feature request.

All the best,

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Square Community Moderator

@DevCRO, sorry for the confusion. You're right. The checkout links are limited to 2 custom fields. Another solution to this can be to create your Online store and create a Donation item. In this case you will have more flexibility in item description. More information is available in our Support center

Community Manager, Square
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