
I cannot check or clear the balance of a gift card or egift code.

I need to view and void the balance of an egift card. This should be the same as viewing a gift card, correct? 


I can load a gift card through Gift Card. I can make a purchase with a gift card or an egift code. 


I cannot check the balance of either. The Gift Cards option only shows Swipe or Enter Number and Continue. Nothing else except some tiny type explaining how to order gift cards. 


How do I check and clear the balances of these gift cards and egift codes when the option isn't available?





The OS was updated to 11.1.1 after the gift cards option was added. Is this a known bug? If so, is there a fix? 

Message 1 of 2
Super Seller

You are in the right spot, just enter the code or swipe the card to see the balance


  1. Go to your in-app item library and tap Gift Cards.
  2. Swipe or enter the gift card number.
  3. The gift card balance should be shown at the top next to the gift card number. Note: This is also the new way to check the balance on existing gift cards.
  4. You can leave the screen or load more value on this gift card.


Message 2 of 2