
Table selection on Square?

This post has been created from another thread: "Table selection on Square?"


I'm just experimenting to create a demo, but what I did just to mess around with it was create an item called "Dine In", and created a varient within the item for each table, so "Table 1", "Table 2", etc., each costing $0.00 of course. On the POS you tap "Dine In" and choose a table. It'll appear at the top of the ticket as "Dine In: Table 1". How do you know if Table 1 is even free or not? Keep your table number stands on front counter and when accepting dine in customers just check the counter to see if the "table 1" stand is missing or not, if it's missing then a customer still has it or the table hasn't been cleared yet.


I haven't played around with it yet but if you create all Dine In customers under an open ticket then you can assign their ticket the right table number to let them be seated and take their order later, with the ticket still open and hopefully your staff remembered to manually enter their name either in the customer field or in the description of the "Dine In" item (that seems a bit quicker to me and it puts their name at the top of the ticket with their table number).


The table number will stay associated with the ticket because it's printed at the top and becaue a physical number is taken from the counter there is a way for front staff to know which table numbers are free (and which ones are unaccounted for, if you don't have many tables) without turning their back. This solution is not ideal though, but you can start doing it or something like it immediately at least.

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