
Cookie Opt Out Button - Text is not editable and awful

Here is the static text used for the cookie opt-out button:


This website uses marketing and tracking technologies on this website. Opting out of this will opt you out of all cookies, except for those needed to run the website. Note that some products may not work as well without tracking cookies.


Now here is that same text colour coded so I can point out the flaws:


This website uses marketing and tracking technologies on this website. Opting out of this will opt you out of all cookies, except for those needed to run the website. Note that some products may not work as well without tracking cookies.


Orange: "This website" is used twice in the same sentence. Poor grammar. As our site focuses on travel writing, this is unacceptable and poorly constructed. A link to our site (not for promotion): https://www.turnipseedtravel.com/


Purple: "Marketing and tracking technologies" is hardcoded. Not every person uses marketing technology. Forcing them to state this goes against GDPR, and common sense. If the "marketing" refers to Weebly's Google Analytics code, see the problems with that issue in my post here: https://community.weebly.com/t5/Community-Feedback/GDPR-and-Weebly-s-Google-Analytics-Code-not-the-s...


Blue: "of this" - Poor language. See Orange.


Pink: "Except for those needed to run the website" - This language not only goes against the cookie and privacy policy we have crafted on the page I am to link this button, but also against GDPR. The placement of ANY cookie needs to have permission explicitly given. There is no regulation for parsing "necessary" or "unnecessary" cookies. All cookies count in GDPR.


Green: "Some products" - which products? Under GDPR, we need to be able to outline credibly to our users which functionality will be lost. Also, does this not apply for "tracking and/or marketing cookies". The only loss of functionality may be within the cookies that YOU PLACE ON THE SITE REGARDLESS OF USER ACCEPTANCE. See Pink.


Fix this, or make it customizable. FFS, this shouldn't be that difficult.


It sure doesn't seem to me that the proper care was taken over the two years Weebly had to become compliant. I see no evidence of proper requirements gathering, system testing against those requirements, or quality assurance work done to verify the results. Weebly, like it or not, is a regulated entity. It'd be nice if you started acting like one.

Message 1 of 9

Thanks for the feedback @RyanWright. The wording is being worked on and will updated soon! I don't know exactly when, or what is being altered, but changes are coming. 

Message 10 of 9

Also, once you opt out there's no way to opt back in. Or am I missing something?

Message 10 of 9

Try clearing your cache/cookies or try opening from a brand new browser @mhovdan. Opting out should only be specific to the browser you were using when you opted out. 

Message 10 of 9

@Bernadette, why does Weebly’s own privacy page allow for the specific options for opting out that are not provided to your clients? From your own opt out to Weebly’s own cookie banner, it is clear that what you’re providing paying customers isn’t even what you’d accept displaying for yourselves as a company. Weird, right?

Message 10 of 9

Hi @Adam and @Bernadette and other Weebly folks.

We are still waiting on a response as to how, when, where, why the cookie opt out will be updated for the current awfulness as detailed above.

You might have changed the text, but you still made the assumption that the hard coded words you used are applicable to everyone. 

You didn't think about the fact that our new privacy policy might directly contradict what the Opt Out text is stating. So we could be contradicting ourselves on our own privacy pages. 

You also didn't inform your users that the text was changing. I didn't realize that until I went to craft this post. If I am not aware of the contents of my site, and what I am telling my users, I AM NOT GDPR COMPLIANT.

It seems a tad irresponsible, no? Especially when the update itself was done in haste.

Here is the uneditable, in font, colour, content, etc opt out that you offer your customers:


I appreciate that the text you are using is the same that you are using (for 1 of three parts of your own, much more comprehensive opt out policy - pasted below), but a one size fits all approach that cannot be modified is not the right way to handle things.


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Weebly has its own platform for itself with accounts and features yet offers us nothing close to that.. 

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If you use Google Tag Manager, you can change the text with a custom HTML tag and when the DOM is ready: you can then add this custom HTML Code:


function changeHtml() 
    //Change text
    document.getElementsByClassName("wsite-cookie-opt-out--wrapper")[0].children[0].innerHTML = "bla bla my text";

  	//Change text for button
    document.getElementsByClassName("wsite-cookie-opt-out--wrapper")[0].children[1].children[0].innerHTML = "bla bla my button";

change = changeHtml();	//Activate function changeHtml()

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