
Disappointed with Weebly SEO

Hey Guys!

Recently, I've been really busy and I've finished creating a website for my client, and now my only goal is to market the website, so I decided to try editing the "SEO Settings" for each page. At first, before I edit the SEO settings of it, everything was fine, the website was searchable, but when the time I started adding or editing its settings for each pages, a few days after the seo changes I did. Things started to get worst, Weebly's SEO settings did harm to my page rankings, instead of helping it improve, and now, I would like to ask for help from the Weebly developers to help me resolve this issue I've encountered.

Another issue:

I tried uploading multiple sitemaps to my website, but everytime I submit it to google webmasters, it says "404", and now due to that issue,  I decided to deleted every sitemaps I have.

PSSmiley Sadthe sitemaps are accesible at /files/theme/sitemap1.xml before I delete it)

-Francis Revilla

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Any Weebly site has a sitemap made automatically for it at /sitemap.xml.  If you try to upload a custom one I can't guarantee that it's going to work, and I'm not sure what benefit that would have anyway.  I'm not sure how adding appropriate SEO information to more pages of your site would have any negative effects.  All it should do is help get more pages of your site indexed in a healthy manner, so more of your pages show up in results.

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