
No consistency! Weebly please bring order to this chaos!

I have 2 enterprise accounts and multiple regular weebly sites just on weebly.com. I have create 700+ websites over the past two years and I extremely frustrated with Weebly.

I fail to comprehend how/why you remove/add features, themes, etc. Simple features like drop shadow on image used to be a thing and then disappeared with an update. I now consistently have difficulty with text over images for my clients. 

There used to be so many themes and then overnight half of them got removed with the sections update. To fix the lack of themes and to "make it better" Weebly put multiple of the same theme in the theme library but with just different graphics. 

Why can't every site editor have a preview button? It's obviously a beneficial feature to any user with no draw backs. There is huge demand for it - but somehow Weebly can roll it out to all site editors?

And don't get me started on Weebly enterprise. You charge a premium for that, yet enterprise is always the last to get any update.

And finally - SSLs. They are a must now - it's been months of Weebly saying "they almost here" for every site. False. I mean the system is already in place to turn them on - just do it. It MANDATORY by web standards now. 

Just get your act together Weebly and find some good project managers because this is painful. 

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Thank you for this feedback. I'm really sorry for the frustration. 

I know you said you had multiple Weebly accounts. Some are standard, but are the other ones cloud or designer accounts?

The SSL issue is still ongoing. We don't have a time frame for the rollout completion, but I can at least check your standard accounts to see if SSL is available.

The preview button is something we are working on, and I can definitely see the importance of having this available. 

Is there a particular theme you are looking for or wanting to come back?

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