
Photos are auto desaturating upon uploading to website

I have NEVER had this issue before yesterday. It even worked in the morning and then in the evening when I went to upload an image to my site, same as I've done hundreds of times before, the image was auto desaturated. What is going on??

Message 1 of 6

Hey there! Sorry for the trouble. To help narrow things down, can you let us know if your images use sRGB?

Message 7 of 6

I have no idea. How would I know?

Message 7 of 6

A lot of image editing programs would be able to see that, although an easy solution would be:

1. Open your image in an image editing program

2. Save it as a brand new image (saving as a different file format or with a different name will help ensure it's a new image)

3. Upload the new image

Message 7 of 6

Hi Adam, I sent a reply to another post but am also posting it here, with a bit more info. 

I've had a Weebly website for a few years but lately I'm finding the appearance of the photos on my site is unacceptable. Firstly, all photos appear quite low res. Like many other users, I know this has long been the case. But I feel like the quality has probably gotten worse lately.

Furthermore, in recent months (perhaps since the same date as the user above suggests) I now find the colours are badly mismanaged as well. All images uploaded these days appear extremely desaturated compared to what they should look like. If I compare two uploads of the identical photo – ie one uploaded last year and one uploaded today – the difference is huge. 

FWIW, my photos are RGB, my colour space is sRG, and I've tried various files sizes but it makes no odds. As soon as the photos are uploaded they appear to undergo auto-processing which ruins them – and the effect is visible in the Weebly editor page prior to publishing. It must surely be due to changes made by Weebly around December 2016? As a photographer the whole point of having a Weebly website is to showcase my work the way I want it to be seen. Please can you let me know if there's a solution?

many thanks

Message 7 of 6

This is something in our queue to address but I'm not sure how long that will take, unfortunately. One potential temporary way to get around this would be doing something like this:

1. On a hidden page of your site make a text link and upload your image as a file.

2. Publish your site, navigate to the hidden page, right-click your link and copy the image URL

3. Use that URL with the image element instead of uploading your image

That's obviously not practical long term or for a lot of images, but if you have more limited number it would work.

Message 7 of 6