
My website is gone and now displays a 404 error. It appears the weebly keeps it disconnected?

I have had no issues using weebly for 2 years now until suddenly my website has dissappeared, now with a 404 error when you try going to the URL (www.portlanddatingcoach.com).
I have tried the basic troubleshooting supplied by Weebly and have verified that:

-there are no typos

-my cache is cleared (and others are reporting that they cant access my website either)

-The A record for my host (godaddy) is using my websites correct IP address.

-I have published my website. However, when I go to edit my domain in Weebly, it states that its status is disconnected. When I try to "edit site location" and change it to "connect to one of my current sites", its as if weebly ignores this order and keeps it to the "disconnected" option. Why?

I am stumped and Weebly support is not responding at all to my inquiries. Can anyone please help why my website isnt working on Weebly?

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