

Hi, I have read through previous posts on GDPR but I'm afraid I don't seem to understand the basics about what I do or don't need to do. I have set up my store, so just need to know whether I need to actively do anything about GDPR, or whether Weebly takes care of it. The only customer information I will process are the basics needed for ordering, paying for and delivering the goods (and I presume cookies are dealt with separately?).

I'd like to be able to ask paying customers if I can send them a newsletter or perhaps future offers by email, but haven't put this in place yet, and it wouldn't involve passing information on to any third parties. I'm hoping such things would be covered by a basic/generic setting I can activate (or will be automatically be generated) rather than having to get in to complicated technical and legal processes at this early stage of my business.

Have I completely misunderstood this?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Generally speaking, I can't give advise on what you'll need to do to be 100% GDPR compliant, though I can tell you what options we've built-in to help you achieve that. I would make sure that you have your GDPR banner set to display for everyone, as well as make a privacy policy and terms of conditions page. We have generators for both which can help:



We also have a cookie opt-in element you can add to your site, and if you're going to use Promote/marketing for a newsletter the elements and forms used for that include opt-in checkboxes.

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