
New Weebly Website Design Is Too Confusing. I am not able to publish a new post in my old blog.

Dear Sir,

This is to inform you that I am your weebly user and I am using your platform for my blogging activities. I am getting confused with your redesign so please guide me how can i publish my post in my old blog. There is no such option available to publish or to edit in existing blog.

Thanks & Regards,

LF Laser Cutting

Message 1 of 6

Hi, there!

I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble with your blog. I recommend checking out our blog post Help Article, which you can find here: https://hc.weebly.com/hc/en-us/articles/201405086?

In this article, you'll see a short video of exactly how to publish and share your post, as well as screenshots of exactly what you'll need to do.

If you still have questions after reading through this Help Article, please let us know!

Thanks, and enjoy your day.


Weebly Community Manager

Message 2 of 6

Is there a reason you cannot answer his question directly?  The Help Page does not help us... and, speaking only for myself, I shouldn't have to watch a freaking video or read through a bunch of unrelated issues to get an answer.... which is why we are asking YOU directly.  Please.... if you can't explain why you removed the New Post button, just tell us how we can post a new blog entry.


Message 3 of 6

....and just like THAT, the New Post button reappears.  It was not there ten minutes ago, and for two hours.

This is a recurring problem with Weebly, stuff disappearing and reappearing.  I've learned to work with it, for the most part, but it is extremely frustrating to have to spend hours trying do something that should take 10 seconds.

My favorite was when you guys decided to change the blog a few years back, and you simply erased three years of writing that I had no way to retrieve. That was when I stopped paying for Weebly, and now just use the free version (it didn't matter to Weebly that I paid for my site and it's content).   Please don't do that again.

For now... my button has magically returned, so... I'm off.

Message 4 of 6

I think Weebky has lost the plot with its blog page site. I have read everything that Weebly has placed on the web and it is obvious they have no idea how their own blog page should work. Unfortunatly, most other Weebly users are having the same problem.

Have a look at my blog site    writerdallas.com     I have stalled at what to do with "Author, Archives, and Categories." Weebly has no instruction on how these are used, many Weebly users have asked for help; however, I notice the answers are missleading or diverted.

In an attempt to work with this blog system I note the above three titles have tight and restricted window, if you play around with the set window; maybe delete it to change or start again, you loose the heading, in this instance "Author."

The computer nerds at Weebly may be able to connect all the missing dots to make sense of this blog system. I would have thought that testing out first, their idea on someone who would use this blog system would have been a normal practice to get the lack-off and confussing Weebly geek instruction fixed... before they attempted to sell this as a usefull addition to a Weebly website.

Niven Dallas... Author

Message 5 of 6

The elements in the blog sidebar are totally optional - you don't need to use them if you don't want to. You can also turn off the sidebar with the option in Settings > Blog if you'd rather it wasn't there at all.

Message 6 of 6