
No thumbnail image/og image shows up for my website when sharing

Hi, I'm hoping someone can help. When I share the link to the latest website I created, no thumbnail image comes up at all. This is the case everywhere - sharing via SMS, Whatsapp, Facebook, etc. - it's not a local issue to Facebook, as other people seem to experience.

I've read the advice in these two threads and tried various things but they haven't worked:



I used a Weebly template that has one image filling the left of the page. There are no other images on the pages (only the one image at the left on each page). I created a hidden page with an additional image on it, in the header field, and used this page in the og tag (see below).

I added the following coding in Settings/SEO/Header Code relating to that hidden page's image:

<meta property="og:image" content="https://www.wildsmithpsychotherapy.co.uk/image.html"/>
<meta property="og:image:width" content="1200">
<meta property="og:image:height" content="630">

I also tried adding this to the header code field of the hidden Image page itself:

<meta property="og:image" content="https://www.wildsmithpsychotherapy.co.uk/uploads/1/2/4/2/124206080/published/alanwildsmiththerapy.jp...>

Have I done something incorrectly? Any suggestions what to do?

Thanks in advance.

Message 1 of 30

Are you saying that the wrong image was used, or no image shows? When I run the url through the Facebook Debugger tool I see this is showing as the thumbnail:

Message 31 of 30

@Bernadette  can you please help me get a thumbnail on my website I've been calling and no one is helpful at first I was told to just add photo on the Sri/social media tab under website then one told me to create a code but I don't think he was helpful can you assist I tried to follow steps you've previously gave others but I couldnt

Message 31 of 30

Thanks for posting, @Bkouture.

Go to Website > SEO & Social Media, click on the Update social media button, then scroll down in the popup. Click the button to delete the image currently used for sharing, then upload a new image. Publish your site again, then use Facebook's debug tool to scrape new info from your website.

Message 31 of 30

Hello - where is "Website - Social Media"? I'd like to try this.


Thanks! Deborah

Message 31 of 30

Hi @dpetro! Welcome to the Community. 

You have the Weebly editor rather than the Square Online editor, so specifying an image is a little different. Check out this post on how to specify an image for social media shares for more instructions.

Message 31 of 30
Beta Member

Is there a chance I could get you to help with my website and the same thumbnail issue for texting. www.rivercitydriving.com 

Message 31 of 30

I don't see any regular image elements on your home page, @wellhopj, so there isn't anything for social media or messaging apps to use with a share. Try adding a regular image element and re-publishing.

Message 31 of 30

How would I go about adding images to particular pages? I just set up my new shop and when a friend shared my 'glass ornaments' page to social media no picture showed up. I've been reading these threads and still can't figure out how. Tnx.

Message 31 of 30

Hi there. Your ornament page does not have any readable images. You have two options to have an OG image display when sharing the page. The first option is to add a regular image to the page. You can do this above or below the products element on the page. The second option is to add a snippet of html code that will display a default image for the entire site, or for just this page. Here is the code you will use:

<meta property="og:image" content="https://example.com/rock.jpg" />

You'll want to replace the content url with the url address of the image you wish to use. You can find the address by right clicking on an image on your site and copy/pasting the address into the section with the quotation marks. 

If you do not have an image on your page you wish to use you can add one to a hidden page. To create a hidden page on your site, add a new page and check the box that says "hide in navigation". After you publish, navigate to the hidden page and copy the link. 

If you wish for the image to be used for any link that is shared you will add the above code to Settings>SEO>Header. If you want to use a different image depending on the page that is shared, click on Pages, then the page name, then SEO Settings. You'll see a header section on the left where you can paste the code. 

One final thought, if you publish the site and still do not see the image showing up for the link you can try using the Facebook Debugger tool to scrape your site for the content. 

Message 31 of 30