
Privacy Policy quesions using Weebly for my Site


I am putting together my new Privacy Policy for my site. And, since I am moving over to Weebly, I'm not 100% sure if some statements I wish to have are 100% true, or apply now.

Below is a copy of the policy. I have Lettered the questions, so if someone from Weebly wants to answer, you can just list the letters, and yes/no, or more info, by letter ID.  Like A=yes, B=no, C= "we actually use....", etc.

It's some work, but can save others a lot of questions and work if you do it once for my topic.

Focus on the Weebly side of the fence, I already know if my company complies with the statements from my company's side. For example, I know I collect customer info, but does the Weebly workings also collect it, such that it is in a location I don't know about? That is a sample of what I'm looking for in an extended answer. Otherwise, it's just true or false.

To readers, this is a more generic sample of a Privacy Policy I am drafting. If you copy it, please read it completely, and determine if your company actually complies with the statements or not. I am not responsible for the content and effectiveness, and how it's used by others outside of the realm of my company. This is only for social, informational purposes within the realm of Q&A with Weebly, Inc.

Protecting Your Online Privacy

Williams Brothers Model Products (WmBros) is a firm believer in the protection of its online customers' privacy. We have implemented a number of procedures and policies which are designed to protect your personal information while using our online services.

Our site uses an online ordering system for customers to request information, products, and services. We collect visitor's contact information (like their names, address, telephone number and email address) and financial information (like their account or credit card numbers). Contact information from the order form is used to send orders and information about our company to our customers. Financial information that is collected is used to bill the user for products and services. If you choose a third-party billing option, financial and personal information will be provided to the billing company.

We use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server, administer our Web site and to provide security. Our site uses "cookies" to keep track of your shopping cart contents.
A:{Is this ALL true for my Weebly site?}

  • Email addresses are collected only for the purpose of contacting you in the future. We WILL NOT sell or rent your email address to other companies or individuals. We may use third-party data processors to process email addresses.
    B:{ is this true for, or apply to, my Weebly site?- ie, Weebly does not collect nor sell emails. Are you considered the third party processor since customer’s data entered goes through your site?}
  • Whenever sensitive personal or financial information is transmitted, it is sent via a secured connection directly to our mainframe computer using secure sockets layer (SSL) technology. This is the most successfully used method of ensuring private, secure transmission of personal information over the Internet.
    C:{is this a true statement when I use Weebly to host my store? Assuming the recommended Paypal and CC systems are when operated via my Weebly site}
  • We do not respond to "do not track" signals or other similar mechanisms.
    D:{Is this true for my Weebly site?}
  • When you use our web site, other parties may receive personal information relating to your online activities.
    E:{Is this true for my Weebly site?}
  • Third party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on your prior visits to our website.
    F:{Is this true for my Weebly site?}
  • Google's use of the DoubleClick cookie enables it and its partners to serve ads to you based on your visits to our sites and/or other sites on the Internet. 
    G:{Is this true for my Weebly site?}
  • You may opt out of the use of the DoubleClick cookie for interest-based advertising by visiting Ads Settings.
  • We do not collect the personal information for children under the age of 13. We are prohibited from conditioning a child's participation in an activity on the child disclosing more personal information than is reasonably necessary. In cases where we have inadvertently collected personal information of a child, the parent can always review this information, choose to have this information deleted from our records and refuse to permit further collection or use of this information.
  • We may be forced to share customer purchase data to government organizations when compelled by law to do so.

    This site gives users the following options to not receive future communications:

  • 1. You can send mail to the following postal address:
  • 2. You can call the following telephone number:
    3. You can send an email to:
  • To protect our customers' accounts we do not accept third-party requests to modify customers' privacy preferences. WmBros respects its customers' privacy and works diligently to protect it. Material changes to WmBros’ privacy policies will be posted in this Privacy Statement.

  • This Privacy statement became effective on 7/1/2016
Message 1 of 3

Hello, @WmBros!

I am not an attorney. Therefore, I cannot advise you on creating a proper privacy policy for your website. However, I can only answer the questions regarding Weebly's privacy policy. Your website's privacy policy could be entirely different, depending on how you choose to use your customer data. The Weebly privacy policy is expressly geared towards Weebly's customers. I do advise that you review our privacy policy here: https://www.weebly.com/privacy
It can provide you with a lot of information that can help you put together your privacy policy.

1. Weebly store owners, you will not collect any credit card information directly. Credit card numbers and CVV codes are not viewable by the store owner or Weebly at any time. All sensitive data is handled by the credit card processor that you choose during the purchasing transactions. You would collect the customer's name, address, telephone number and email address for any orders along with a shipping address if different from the billing address. Weebly does not use this data in any way. Since you are the store owner, it is up to you on how you choose to utilize your customer's data outside of simply shipping a package. If anything else is intended for the data, then it should be passed along to your customers in your site's privacy policy.

Weebly does collect IP addresses for various reasons (see below). IP addresses are not something that you can obtain from your site using our statistics feature. If you are interested in knowing more about where your customers or visitors originate from and see IP addresses, etc., then using Google Analytics would be an option. In your Weebly account, you can see the IP address of those that submit a contact form on your site. To see this, you can click the form directly and select a message or access forms from the dashboard. Again how you choose to use the data is up to you. Since we are running a hosting company, we use this information for a variety of reasons.

How does Weebly collect: "Copied from Weebly's Privacy Policy."

IP addresses, browser and session information may be used to:

*Diagnose and prevent service or technology problems reported by our users or engineers that are associated with the IP addresses controlled by a specific web company or ISP.
*Estimate the total number of users from specific geographical regions using the Service.
*Help determine which users have access privileges to certain content, services, or resources that we offer.
Monitor and prevent fraud and abuse.

2. Weebly takes customer security very seriously. We do not rent, share or sell our customer's private information. We are not the third party processor for eCommerce transactions. The merchant service (Paypal, Square, Stripe, or Authorize.net) would handle all payment data. Weebly does not see this information. Again, how you decide to use your own customer's information is up to you.

3. Yes, all payment transactions are protected via SSL encryption by the payment processor. To learn more about the security that your payment processor provides, please visit their website. Security policies are usually located, at the bottom of the page. If you have trouble finding it, please let me know the payment processor you are using. I will be happy to direct you to the information. The type of security may be something you would want to include in your privacy policy, such as a link to the security information of your particular payment processor.

4. Currently, we do not support Do not Track or DNT.

5. Yes. Weebly (as your host) uses Google Analytics and Quantcast for network traffic. This information is for internal network use ONLY.

6. Yes. Advertising services do utilize cookies to display related ads based on your web activities. If you show third party ads on your website such as Google Adsense, then they [Google] would detect via cookies the interests of your visitors and display appropriate advertisements. This information from Google Adsense will help guide you: https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/1348695?hl=en

7. DoubleClick Cookies are very similar to the above statement. You can learn more here: https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/2839090?hl=en

To sum up, after you have completed your privacy policy. It is a good idea to have a licensed attorney review it. In most places, the fee for a simple review is quite reasonable and if any conflict should arise from one of your customers in the future. It will be worth it. You would want to seek out an Internet Law attorney for this purpose. A quick Google search should provide you with a fair amount of attorneys who specialize in Internet law in your area or at least nearby.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Message 2 of 3


I have similar questions - but note however that the PP that you point to ONLY address what you collect from your weebly.com visitors - it does not address what you collect from the users of the sites your customers develop on your platform so is misleading.   If I am a paying weebly user and have not turned on any advertising or Google analytics on my site, why are you still allowing third party trackers on my site for advertising and analytics?  How can I turn these off?  How can I know what other third-party trackers you may add without my knowledge or consent to my site in the future?  

Message 4 of 3