

I would like you guys to tell me your thoughts on my website. Im getting a lot of traffic, but no sales. Maybe its just me. http://www.cowboygamer.com

Message 1 of 4

Hi TheCowboyGamer,

Your website is neat, the store page is neatly arranged and you indeed have a great product range to offer on your website.

The following are my humble suggestions for your consideration. You may want to 

1. Change background color of your website from black to white or a lighter shade. Black is bit straining on eyes. Also note that due to black background vertical scroll bar of the page is invisible, making scrolling up and down a lot difficult for the visitors. 

2. The Cookies related warning is getting displayed initially after every page change. Not sure whether this is necessary to display warning for every page change. Also overall load time of pages is bit slower. Please ensure images are optimized for KB sizes. There are many product images on one page and non-optimized images can extend the page load time.

3.  A home page explaining about your online  business / Website /about you will help build a lot of connect with visitors. I think there is nowhere any "about us" information is available on the website.  Also the website straightaway goesto stores page. 

4. You may want to introduce some sale/discounts on volume buys or more than one item bought. Also you may want to make a group of say 4 to 5 coordinated products as one group sale and by offering say 10-25 % discount on price of individual items for group purchase.  

5. You may want to introduce your highest selling items last month or you may want to introduce latest range of product introductions. You may want to say " 100 numbers sold for ABC item" . This will help guide the visitors driving towards buy decisions.

6. You may want to introduce, your customer testimonials and blogs on website. These will go a long way in boosting a new customer's confidence. Blogs such as what items to pair with what can guide customers with buy decisions. Part of your newsletter details can appear on website.

7. More details on shipping will help. The courier company name, how many days to deliver in what geography, return policy etc. You have anyway mentioned shipping charges. 

Hope the siggestions are helpful. 

All the very best 

Message 2 of 4

Hi CC, I would add an about page on why you sell the stuff you sell. Not sure if the first thing people see is free page. I actually hide my discount page and let people discover it or send to fans only. I would sort the merchandise so the expensive items are first and then cheap items at the bottom. Quizes is kind of a fun feature you added. I definitely need to add one on my site. Not sure about the FB link with photos, I just use the button on mine. Good luck! ShawNshawN
Message 3 of 4

I assume you are dropshipping..

In order to be successful in dropshipping, you need to be targeting a hand-picked lazer targeted audience that already like your items. Look into promoting with Facebook ads to grow sales.

Message 5 of 4