
Removing Link Underlines in Blog Sidebar Modules?

Hi all - 

Site is www.gamesandrings.com. 

(not sure what original theme this is...not listed under recently used; I assume this is because it's the original one I used. Does anyone know what / how to i.d. the theme?)

The real question...I want the live hyperlinks in the blog sidebar Archives, Categories, and Favorite Sites text box to not be underlined. I was able to fix this in the main body posts, and separately within the navigation menu by adding:

div.paragraph a, #wsite-search-list div.paragraph a
text-decoration: none !important;
border-bottom: none !important;

in the Settings>SEO footer and header code for the main body posts, and then the same in the CSS Navigation field (that took a while to find!)

I found in CSS the Partials > Blog > Modules which include Archives and Categories, but I couldn't get the above code to remove underlines. I'm reluctant to play around anymore in there.

Is this the right place to edit, and how? Also, how to fix the text box Favorite Sites in the sidebar? (Another text box down below was fixed when main body posts were, not sure why Favorite Sites wasn't)

Thanks all.


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Go to your HTML/CSS. On the left hand side there should be a file named manifest.json or something very similar. Open it and your theme will be mentioned in that code. 


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Thanks, @seicolegwr 

I did see that direction in a different thread, but...when I am in Edit Website > Theme > Edit HTML/CSS, my lefthand column shows:

(under a single Code Editor column)


Header Type (drop down of .html files)

Partials (drop down of .tpl files)

Assets (drop down of .css file and .jpg/.png files)

So...I don't see a .json file or similar. I also read in a separate thread that it might be referenced within the main_style.css file (under Assets folder above), but I don't see anything relevant.

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