
vTxnetwork Entertainment - Need Help

Hello Weebly,

This is Marwan Khaled from vTxnetwork Entertainment official website " http://www.vtxnetwork.com ", I am here for some questions. Actaully, i am running my website with BlazingFast.io, they offer me 980GBs of firewall and unlimited bandwidth, my website is NEVER ddosed.

I was reading Weebly features 1 hour ago and I liked paid plans features, but, i have 4-5 questions.

First, the most basic one, am I able to connect my domain with weebly or requires a new domain and connecting a domain requires money for paid hosting plans or not.

Second, does Weebly offer DDos protection or not ? Please be honest to earn my feedback and a special thank in my website footer, if yes, is it that protected to prevent VPS servers with 12mb/s and higher from attacking me ? if not clear, is it as good as blazing fast or not (firewall : 980gbs - unlimited bandwidth)

Third, how much time does it require to get found on google after buying a SEO Service

Fourth, am I able to get a custom SSL Certificate or should be with 25$/month plan. and, am i able to add an advanced feature beside the ssl as some websites do by writing a text or something beside SSL icon and how much does the advanced feautre cost and how much does the custom ssl cost ?

Those are all my questions,  sorry if my grammer was bad. THAAAAANKS WEEBLY

Kind regards,


Official vTxnetwork Manager

Message 1 of 5

ah, forgot 1 question, does weebly paid plans give me a cpanel to host phpmyadmin and those features ?

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Message 2 of 5

Hey @vTxnetwork!

Thanks for your questions!  I'll answer them for you:

1.  It wouldn't be possible to use cPanel or PHPMyAdmin with Weebly.  

2. You can use your domain with a site built with us, and you'd need to upgrade to Starter, Pro, or Business to do that.  Please see our guide here for instructions on how to do that: http://hc.weebly.com/hc/en-us/articles/201372693-How-to-Use-a-Domain-You-Purchased-Elsewhere 

3.  While I can't provide specific information, we have ample protection against anything like a DDoS.

4.  Getting indexed by Google is pretty much automatic given time, although it's a little tough to try and give a specific time frame since it's dependent on Google.

5.  SSL is included with our Business plan, and all you need to do is enable the option on the Settings tab after you've upgraded.  You can turn it on for your entire site, or just for checkout with a Store.

Message 3 of 5

So, how do i make a registration system for my website ?

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Message 4 of 5

@vTxnetwork wrote:

So, how do i make a registration system for my website ?

For use with our Membership features? If you've upgraded a site to business, all you need to do is go to Settings > Members and check the box to add a registration option to your site's navigation.

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