
I paid for 5 automated emails and can only get 4

Weebly is correcting less that 50% of the glitches I experience over the past year while working in my five pro websites with them. My current issue is urgent, and they are not even replying to my request to have it resolved.

I have paid the mid price for Weebly Promote email hosting service so that I can have five automated emails, a welcome letter I wish to send to those who sign up from each of my five websites.

I've not been able to set up more that four of these automated emails. When I attempt to set up the fifth, I get a request to upgrade at an additional A$50. cost. This problem has been going on for month, and I've mad an effort recently to get this resolved. All I get is automated emails. My previous problem of not receiving notification when someone leaves comments or sends messages was never resolved either.

I've had no help, not even a reply from Weebly, about my not getting what I have paid for in Weebly Promote. I have that system set up to send me weekly reports from each of my five website email systems, and I get a report once in a couple of months. They charge a premium price for a faulty product. I'm heavily invested in Weebly, having blogged in the Weebly system for eight years across three of the blogs, so it is too late to change my provider. I'm just seeking what I have paid for.

Right now, I need to for the Promote progrom to give me the service I have paid for. I need assistance from Weebly. 


Message 1 of 4

Hello Kathryn!

Our team is currently at work getting that cleared up for you here. There should be an email sent your way to let you know. Have you been able to receive it there?

Message 2 of 4

No, Nothing as yet. I just tried to add my fifth automated email, the one that I want for my "A Crative Life" blog at http://www.ebookcover-art.com, and it stil requests that I upgrade to a A$75. a month plan to send my subscribers an automated welcome newsletter. 

I hope you can get this working. I've never been able to get the automation for this my main blog to work.

I'm a bit happier today following a very nice Weebly chat person assuring me that this would be looked into.  

Regards Kathryn. 

Message 3 of 4

This is both rediculous and totally unsatisfactory? I still have not had this issue fixed and the wait for assistance from Weemly drags on for weeks.

I am about to disable the four working automation I have and I'm requesting a FULL refund of the five automated email level of $25. a month down to the start level of $8. a month, for the entire time that I have been in the Promote plan. Why should I have paid for a product that has never worked correctly and from a team that is not looking after their customers?
I needed email welcome letter automaition for my five sites. I also needed notification of new subscribers and do not get that, nor any notifications. Most unhappy with your Promote service. I'd like to go back tto Mad mimi, but it would be two month's work changing all the blog sign-up links. I'm stuck in a crap product for now. At least giv e me the Grandfathered lowest cost of you bad service. 

I'm looking around for options to Weebly, which is hard given my blogs have been worked there for ten years. This year has been one of the multiple unresolved problems with Weebly. I was once one of Weebly's biggest fans.

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