
Google analytics showing each visit twice?

Hi, I have added the Google analytics code to my weebly site in the header code section of the SEO area as instructed, however it is giving the wrong data. It is showing every visitor as going to each page twice. I'm not getting any bounces as every visitor who leaves at the home page is shown as visiting the homepage twice. I recently ran a facebook advert and some visits were shown initially as having visited for instance 14 pages, but when I looked at the data in detail each page visited was registered twice. Has anyone got any idea why this is happening and how I can correct it?

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Try googling your subject as written - seems as though there be multiple answers - here's one that makes sense maybe?

"This is most likely because you have set the session timeout to be 15 seconds. So after 15 seconds Google Analytics starts a new session - this leads to a huge number of visits. So login at GTM and go to the Analytics tag. There go to More settings>Basci configuration and uncheck the checkbox for 'Session cookie Timeout'. Save the tag and publish the changes via GTM. Now Google will use the default timeout of 30 minutes, which is usually ok for most websites.

Just for explanation: The session timeout is set in millisecond. So a time of 15000 means just 15 seconds."
Good luck!!
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