
Important SEO Tips!

I do managed SEO for local businesses; I take these steps for every business. If you don't want to do it, I can do it all for peeps for a resonable fee. Below are the steps I take.

1. Do on page SEO which includes keyword research, robots meta, titles, descriptions, search engine SERP, this takes alot of time and I don't have the time to instruct people how to do it. If you want me to do it then just PM me and we can discuss it further. 

2. Submit site to Google Webmasters ttps://www.google.com/webmaster and Bing http://www.bing.com/toolbox/webmaster

3. Setup up a Google Local Page if applicable https://www.google.com/business/

4. A Facebook business page helps with credibility and will drive some traffic to your site https://www.facebook.com/business/overview

5. Make a business listing on http://www.expressupdate.com they feed the information to many smaller directories on the web. They can only validate LandLine phone numbers but if you run into problems just give them a call. Or you can also use MOZ which is very resonable to manage local listings on the search engines. https://moz.com/local/pricing

6. Sumbit your site to https://www.dmoz.org/ it can take upwards of two weeks to get listed but it is good link juice.

7. Check your work at http://seositecheckup.com/

8. Make sure your site loads fast! It has a signifcant impact on how search engines ranks sites use https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/ and https://gtmetrix.com/

9. Take advatage of https://www.cloudflare.com/ watch the video at https://youtu.be/51wsoQr6oXI so I don't have to explain everything it does. Smiley Happy

10. Grab your favorite brew and congratulate yourself on a job well done!

P.S. If you have alot of ambition here are some more great tips. Be warned it might overwhelm some peeps

Message 1 of 16
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Hello @VK @dely @ehp @useyourbrain

You can also look into the site booster APP in the APP center. I have heard great things about this APP and it is free to try and only $59 for the year if you like their services.

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Message 7 of 16

Thanks for the tips.

Message 2 of 16

Re: Important SEO Tips!

No worries; if it saves some peeps hours of fustration then I'm happy to share. Definitely check out CloudFlare if nothing else it help sooo much with speed. Weebly is a great service at an affordable price for newbies and\or people who want to get a site up with the least amount of hassle. Unfotately like many things in life there is a tradeoff of eas-of-use vs. control\cost. The tradeoff with Weebly is ease-of-use vs. speed and the control over best SEO practices.

Speed is pretty obvious. A webhost has to cram alot of peeps on one server (which is fine if not oversold) but it is still a shared enviroment. So that is where CloudFlare can pick up some of the slack and I'm sure the peeps at Weebly would appreciate taking a little less load off their servers.

SEO...this is yet to come...

Message 3 of 16

ive followed the instructions to verify at Google, but don't actually understand how to upload the verification to my page.

Message 4 of 16

Hello @ehp

  You will want to use the alternative method of the meta code that you can paste into your Settings>SEO footer section of your site. Once you paste this code provided by Google then you will publish your site and then click the verify button within your Google account.

Message 4 of 16

excellent, thank you!
Message 4 of 16

I just published my website and I was wondering what is your fee to do all the publicity and the SEO? 

Thank you 

Message 7 of 16

I also am new and wondering also the costs as this is all very confusing.

Message 7 of 16

Hi @dely and @VK,

Sorry, but we don't offer those services at this time. We aren't an SEO or publicity company, but we can give you the tools to build a great website which you can then get the word out about (or give to whoever you're paying as a consultant on SEO or publicity). Smiley Happy

Message 7 of 16

Okay, ty.

Message 7 of 16

I believe they were talking about me. I can discuss rates via a PM. Weebly does not do SEO but that is awesome, more money for me! Smiley Happy

Message 7 of 16

Weebly does not. But I can offer these services for a reasonable fee for anyone who needs them. I have seen do many people give up on their dreams due to lack of sales. Many web-hosts in an effort to sell their hosting platforms have this whole DIY approach. Well, if that was the case they would not be hosting so many abandoned sites with no traffic.

Message 7 of 16

SEO can get very labor intensive and costly. The problem I face with the premade (anyone can throw up a site mentality) of web hosts is people with no budget have these big ideas with no marketing budget, SEO budget, a marketing plan, etc. They go on the internet and think great for $100 I can cheap out on everything and I'll be my own boss. 

Anyone in business knows that it is nothing to spend 1k+ a month for a storefront. Yet, when I do local SEO and ask people for $200.00-$500.00 for pick a service; they act like I'm taking their last dollar. I'm not picking on Dely but while she brought up SEO I just wanted to throw that out for people to keep in mind while creating their sites.

Treat you website like a business if that is the purpose of it. If someone offers to do SEO for next to nothing; more the likely they are using link farming or some other unethical hack that may get shortterm results for a week, a month, etc. and then bam... Smiley Sad  

Message 7 of 16

Best Answer

Hello @VK @dely @ehp @useyourbrain

You can also look into the site booster APP in the APP center. I have heard great things about this APP and it is free to try and only $59 for the year if you like their services.

Message 7 of 16

Funny you mentioned that... I just noticed it yesterday and was going to comment on it... Been swamped with work so I was going to see if any of the mods would chime in first. Smiley Tongue Great minds think alike! When work dies down I'll probably throw down 60 bucks so I can give in in-depth assessment with no BS. Smiley Happy

Message 7 of 16

All the SEO tips mentioned in the first post are excellent to get started with your SEO. But a website owner needs to do a lot more for a long term success of SEO.

Listed are some SEO trends to follow in 2016.

1. First of all, you need an excellent website design with a well-designed introduction and Hero Shot. The goal is to keep your visitors on the website and to keep them from bouncing back to other websites.

The higher the bounce rate, the lower the rankings. It indicates the visitors are not happy with the experience.  To get an awesome Weebly website design, you can explore some amazing Weebly themes and templates on our website.

2. Second, makes sure your website has a lot of content, for this, you need a well designed and updated blog. Google values good content more than anything. With the last algorithm update of Google Panda, the importance of good in-depth high-quality content is increased.

3. Long tail keywords are now more important as online users are getting smarter and writing long queries to search for the specific answers. This makes it important for online businesses to do a thorough research into industry specific long tail keywords that reflect the interests of the target

4. An excellent way to keep your bounce rate low is the use of high-quality visual content. According to statistics, high-quality images is on the rise as 8% more websites used images in a blog post in 2015 than 2014.

5. For a local business, the best way to proceed forward with SEO is to make local SEO your priority. Target more local keywords, get your website registered on local listings and review websites, make use of Google My Business to get your website noticed on the Google Maps.

6.Backlinks are still important but only from the good authority websites. If you content is good and shareable, your website will be noticed and shared offering your natural backlinks. Don’t try to create artificial backlinks by using some black-hat SEO techniques. There is no use as Google Penguin Algorithm update penalized such practice.

And there are a lot more. We are working on an in-depth SEO article for Weebly users to help them with their website SEO in 2017 and beyond. Keep reading our blog and let us know about your feedback.   

Message 16 of 16