
Site not appearing on google search (Free version)


My free weebly site, https://gingerleegems.weebly.com/#/ is still not appearing in Google Search over a month after I created it. I went to Google Search Console and put everything in I can, but I think this is just weebly taking too long to get it up there. Anything I can/need to do to get it to appear in Google Searches? The website it really not useful unless people can find it...

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@Lkeeley most free website will never appear on Google.  Google thinks all free websites are hobby sites - so why waste time.  

Even most paid sites will not appear unless it had useful content, organic traffic and backlinkes

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Is there anything I can do to get more traffic to the site? Set the business up on Google Maps maybe?

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@Lkeeley  @bobafett 

Bobafett is correct, I would *strongly* recommend you get yourself a custom domain name, it'll make all the difference as far as Google (and other search engines) is concerned.

Also, your site is short of unique text, so there's not much for Google etc to 'grab hold of' when it crawls your site. It might be worth adding some content e.g., about how you create and clean jewellery, your qualifications etc. And have your site linked to from high traffic websites, e..g., Facebook, Linkdin, Instagram etc and also create links to other reputable websites dealing with your field. 

Also make sure you've taken full advantage of Weebly's SEO inputs, especially using long-tail keywords. Think about what particular keywords / phrases someone might input to a search engine if they were looking for the kind of services you offer in your locality. If you make your site stand out from the crowd you'll eventually be noticed and rank higher.

Hope this helps, Gary 

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Appreciate this feedback.  A couple years ago I started a site for our rental beach house we lost - no commercial activity involved, just nostalgia.  I did have dreams of connecting with former renters and getting a community going since so many people loved the beach house and miss it, so I have a feedback and comment page.  But I never heard from anyone.  And if I try to google the website I never see the website, so I know why folks don't respond, they will never run into this website even if they are looking for it.  So at this point the internet is pretty much irrelevant to my website.  There must be some way to do this??

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