
how can I tell if my sight is HTTP or HTTPS

Please help! I am trying to learn SEO and how to use Google Search Console. I see that my site is a subdomain and not a root level domain, therefore, I can not set my preference to www or nonwww. I also have no idea if my site is HTTP or HTTPS? I have a Basic starter site, do I need to purchase a higher level site? Do I have to purchase my own Domain name in order to really be able to get traffic to my account properly through Googleand other search engines? How does a subdomain through weebly work and where can I go to learn more? Thanks in advance for any information. Please note my site is still a work in progress and is not even near completion. I am really looking for information regarding the neccessary setup to SEO Smiley Happy

Message 1 of 11

Hello @andreadurham

The SSL certificate is a feature in our Weebly Business subscription, when means you'd need to upgrade. An SSL certificate would provide security to either your entire site or just the checkout page. When the SSL certificate is enabled on the whole site, you'd have the https prefix. If SSL is enabled for only the checkout area, the https would only appear then.
You do not have to purchase a custom domain to be indexed on search engines. It is simply a preference. Subdomains do not have www prefixes. However if you type in www in front of a Weebly subdomain, it will redirect to the correct domain.

It can take several weeks to get indexed in any search engine and even longer to be searchable via keywords. Go to the following link to learn how to get initially indexed and optimize your site for search engines.


Message 2 of 11

Hi, I upgraded to the business account today but see my site name as www.totalbodytrimwithsarahitworks.com in my backend, when I try to type that into Google it defauts to https://www.totalbodytrimwithsarahitworks.com/store/c1/Featured_Products.html with a blaring message that say's "This is it NOT safe!" and basically tells the person going to my site that it's dangerous and they need to back out. Bad stuff! 

I got an email from Google Console that said:

SSL/TLS certificate does not include domain namehttps://www.totalbodytrimwithsarahitworks.com/ 

To: Webmaster of https://www.totalbodytrimwithsarahitworks.com/

Google has detected that the current SSL/TLS certificate used on https://www.totalbodytrimwithsarahitworks.com/  does not include https://www.totalbodytrimwithsarahitworks.com/  domain name. This means that your website is not perceived as secure by some browsers. As a result, many web browsers will block users accessing your site by displaying a security warning message. This is done to protect users’ browsing behavior from being intercepted by a third party, which can happen on sites that are not secure.

Recommended Action:

Update your certificate

To correct this problem, either update your current certificate to add your domain name to the list of domains protected by the certificate, or get a new SSL/TLS certificate for your domain. The certificate should be issued from a Certificate Authority (CA) that is trusted by web browsers.

I hoped on chat today and was told to upgrade to the business plan and it would fix the issue, it's not fixed. Not only that but I can't figure out how to add https in front of my domain like Google is asking. 

Can someone please help me? I do not know anything about this and honestly it's becoming so frustrating I'm just about to give up! I keep putting up money but it's useless at this point if I can't get people to come to the site due to that warning.

Please help! 

Message 2 of 11

Hey @totalbodytrim - after upgrading to Business you'll need to enable the SSL option on the settings tab, enter information for your SSL certificate, then give it a little bit to be configured.

If you want it to work for all pages of your site be sure to check that option after it has finished configuring.  By default it's only used on checkout pages.

Message 2 of 11

Hi Adam,

When I upgraded I did it through chat and the chat agent at Weebly asked me if I wanted them to turn on my SSL Certificate, I said yes. I do see in the backend of my site that the SSL is engabled so I'm not sure what to do.

I will say that my site directs people to my offical store which is from a different host and I don't own it - I bought into a health and fitness suppliment company and they gave me a free website, the issue was that website link they gave me is not allowed to be posted on Facebook so marketing has been tough, I figured if I can create a weebly website that acts as a medium I can give clients that website address and when they click on an image of one of my products they will be taken to my offical store and website. I'm wondering if this is why and if there is a way to fix the SSL error. 

Additionally when someone clicks on my link it defauts to: https://www.totalbodytrimwithsarahitworks.com/store/c1/Featured_Products.html not https://www.totalbodytrimwithsarahitworks.com/ which is bizzare and I can't figure out how to make it go to a simple link. 

I really need help fixing this, I have the link to my weebly site in a bunch of marketing campaigns which at the time Google console was saying the site was fine and varified that I owned it. Two days after buying ads I get an error in Google Console that says: 

SSL/TLS certificate does not include domain name https://www.totalbodytrimwithsarahitworks.com/

Also you mention " YOu need to enable the SSL option on the settings tab, enter information for your SSL certificate, then give it a little bit of time to confiigure" I never got any information on my SSL certificate this was enabled for me and I have zero information on my certificate. 

Can you please help me with these things:

1. Help me get my SSL certificate to work 

2. Help me get my website URL to appear like normal, in my backend it says my website address is www.totalbodytrimwithsarahitworks.com but when I copy/paste that into Google it goes to https://www.totalbodytrimwithsarahitworks.com/store/c1/Featured_Products.html Google say's to make it have an https and when I go to change the address in Weebly the only options are http.

3. Help me find out what my SSL certificate information is.

4. Let me know if the reason I can't get this SSL certificate to approve is because my site is pointing to another website?

If you can help me with these things I'd be super greatful! At this point I really don't know how to fix this or if it can be fixed.

Thanks Adam!

Message 2 of 11

Now I've really messed up, I read the google console warning and it's saying that the website URL I entered to be varified dosn't match my URL, so I deleted that website URL from Google Console and then went to my weebly backend, chose to change my URL to http:TotalBodyTrimWithSarahitworks.com then went back to Google Console and tried to add that property, it states I need to varify it so I click to varify so I can put in my header code and it keeps forcing me to a  page that says: 

The accounts.google.com page isn’t working

accounts.google.com redirected you too many times.

So then I tried to unplublish and republish my site, I also removed my varification header code thinking it's probably not letting me do anything because I changed the URL. So basically I'm stuck and no clue how to fix this.Can someone call me? I can't do this by myself oboviously, I left an email for support last night with my phone number so I'm hoping someone can call me and walk me through this?

Message 2 of 11

I checked your site and your SSL certificate is working properly, @totalbodytrim.  Here's what I would recommend:

1. At Google, use this as your site URL:


2. In order for your homepage to have a different URL, you'll need to use something other than your storefront has the top-most page on the Pages tab.  You could make a "welcome" page or something similar and add that there, and use some product elements on that to highlight some of the items from your store.

Message 2 of 11

@Adam I recieved the same email from Google Search Console and I believe this is an issue Weebly needs to solve. The message includes the following text:

"To correct this problem, either update your current certificate to add your domain name to the list of domains protected by the certificate, or get a new SSL/TLS certificate for your domain. The certificate should be issued from a Certificate Authority (CA) that is trusted by web browsers."

The issue is that Weebly lists their own domain as the protected site and Google looks at this as a "third party". In turn they label the site "not secure" even though we have a functional SSL cert that purchased from Weebly.

I have upgraded SSL with GoDaddy and have not had this problem. Please advise on what Weebly plans on doing to correct the issue.

Thank you.

Message 2 of 11

You won't be able to use a certificate from GoDaddy with a site hosted with us, and instead will need to enable the option on the Settings tab. If you've upgraded to Business or Performance you can do this now, otherwise we're aiming on rolling this out to all sites by October.

Message 2 of 11

Hi Adam,

I have the same issue.  Going to the Business plan (only for the SSL) adds $204.00 to my annual cost.  This seems very high for this one feature.  As you probably know, SSL certificates can be purchased for much less than this.  I don't need any other features of the Business plan so how about offering SSL certificates for a reasonable rate?



Message 2 of 11

Unfortunately, the only way right now to use SSL with your site is to upgrade to Business.  If you'd like us to change that feel free to post that on our Vote on Features board, though:


Message 2 of 11