
Site doesn't load on HTTPS


Here is the question: Seems like the server forces the site onto HTTP. How do I let the site load on HTTPS?

Message 1 of 5
Square Community Moderator

Welcome to the Weebly Community, @myeasyitalian 👋


We can take a look at your SSL settings with you. Can you please post a link to your site? Have you already enabled the SSL for the site? This can be found under Edit Site > Settings > General 


I'll be on the lookout for your response! 😊



Message 2 of 5

Hi Bernadettea. I tried to set it up but weebly did not already enabled them and much more than 48 hours passed.

My site is myeasyitalian.com.  Thanks for your help!

Message 3 of 5
Square Community Moderator

Thanks! There's a couple things going on here. It looks like you recently transferred the domain to your Square/Weebly account? 


First thing you will need to do is log into your account and click this link. The new domain page that you are familiar with doesn't make it easy to reset your Nameservers, but this link I provided will allow you to make the correct changes from your end. 😊


Once you are on the domain landing page, you will see your domain listed. Click the three dot menu to the right of your domain, and click Manage.


On the next page, click Enable under the Registrar Lock section on the right side of the page. You won't be able to edit your domain while it is in the unlocked status.


Once the domain is locked, scroll down to the next section , Nameservers, and click Set to Default


Now you will see the DNS section show up. Click on Edit so that you can edit the A-records. You want to make sure to change the IP numbers to


Make sure to click Save at any point during these edits. Once you have completed this, the domain DNS will start the propagation process. Please keep in mind it can take up to 24-48 hours to fully update across the backend.


Please let me know if you run into any issues, or if you see any errors. 😊

Message 4 of 5

Hello Bernadette.
Thanks for your answer.
I didn't transfer the domain to Weebly but FROM Weebly to Cloudflare.
I changed my DNS more than a week ago in my register (Cloudflare)
I also changed the nameservers in Weebly.
But after more than a week still I receive the message  "Your new domain is not yet set up. Please allow 48 hours for the setup process to complete" and I can't enable the SSL on Weebly.
Am I missing something or doing something wrong?
What can I check more?
Thanks for your help
Message 5 of 5