Square Champion

What are some "hacks" in business that you wish you would have implemented sooner?

Personally, my favorite hack is tracking products that we do not earn on.


Let me explain.


So we all have these operational supplies in our business that helps the business run but we don't directly charge for. For example, I own a tanning salon and we have hair nets, sticky feet, disposable thongs, wipes, paper towels, etc.


I added these into our POS because we kept running out of them and there was no way of alerting me when we were close to running out unless I was physically in the salon.


I added them into a new category I created called "OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES" and the line items are in bulk. For example, 1 bag of hair nets (100 per bag) priced at $0.00 (because we don't charge for them). When a staff member grabs a bag of hair nets from the back to restock their room, they expense out the bag of hair nets at $0.00 and it counts down in the system. When it gets to 4 bags of hair nets left, I am alerted to buy more!


Would love to hear other "hacks" you guys use in business!

UV-Free Tanning Salon Owner, Northern California (Campbell)
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