[New] on Square Appointments: Additional Commission Reporting Data Fields in the CSV File Export

Hi Sellers,


The Appointments team launched a new feature that allows you to audit and understand staff commission calculations through reporting.


We added three new data fields in the “Item Detail” CSV file export on your Square Dashboard:


  • Itemization Type: e.g. Item vs Service
  • Commission: Dollar amount
  • Employee: Name of commission earner


This file export is accessible in two Dashboard locations:


1. Reports > Item Sales > Export > Detail CSV

Screen Shot 2022-05-25 at 5.04.09 PM.png



2. Transactions > Export > Items Detail CSV


Screen Shot 2022-05-25 at 5.12.59 PM.png





We hope these additions makes it easier to view commissions paid to specific employees by service or item sale.



CSV Export Screenshot.png



Feel free to post here if you have any questions or feedback!


Square Champion

@sangwon @isabelle 


Testing the feature right now, could possible save us a TON of time in calculating commissions and payouts for service providers. Will likely have more questions tomorrow, but here are two that I have right now: 


1. Where is the column for Tip amount? After all, it is the service provider's tip that we collected and have to pass on to the service provider. Without this column in the report I cannot properly calculate how much to give to my service provider. 


2. Both methods of viewing the reports will display transactions/payments completed. Where would I be able to see a report of appointments made but not paid? Occasionally due to staff miscommunication we may think a client already paid and they walk off without paying. Having a report that shows appointments booked but not paid would be helpful for us to following up with collecting payment. 


Thanks in advance. I think this report may be pretty close to what we were looking for. 

Square Champion

Just went in and tested this feature out.  I'm going to play around with it some because this will help us in reporting the actual earnings of the salon after commission payouts.  Thank you for adding this feature 🙂


hi @TCSlaguna, see my responses below:

  1. Thank you for the feedback. That makes sense that you need to also know the service provider's tip since that's part of the full calculation on how much to give. While I can't provide exact timing on when we can add this, we will take your feedback into account for quarterly and annual planning. 
  2. You can use the Appointments History CSV export to view all appointments, including unpaid appointments. Unfortunately there isn't a field that clearly lists whether the appointment was paid (only whether it is accepted, pending, etc), but you can cross-reference the CSV export with your calendar. Instructions on how to download the export:
    1. Go to Appointments from your Square Dashboard 
    2. Go to your Settings
    3. View History
    4. Click Export button to get a CSV export

Apologies for the delayed response, I really appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback. 

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