Beta Member

Square appointments; One service, multiple prices and timing.

I own a barber shop. This shop may work differently than others but we like to share our clients and make sure they are all comfortable, so in turn I want my clients who book online to be able to pick the first available barber. That said, I only want one option for a haircut to show up online and be able to have different pricing and different timing as we all have a different way we'd like to work our schedules. Is there a way to do this without making multiple "Haircut" options in my menu. If not, why hasn't this come up? 

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Square Community Moderator

Hi @lastbarbershop - Welcome to The Community


I totally understand your concern and need for allowing customers to pick the first available barber. We appreciate your feedback on this and will be sure to make this visible to our product team.


Here's a Workaround that may be helpful for you:

While using Square online to edit your booking site, you have the ability to create time based categories. 

By creating a time based categories you can limit which haircuts or which barbers are available for a cut at specific times.


Let me know if this helps 😊


Learn more about Time Based Categories



Feel free to stop by The Community if ever you have questions or concerns, we are more than happy to assist. 


P.S. Your barbershop putting the customers comfortability first is amazing!

Community Moderator, Square
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