
There are 11 legal hemp states in the USA.

Hello Square Heads lol


Ok so I' a 60 yr old man who recently had a heart transplant and suffer from crippling arthritis and deeply depend on my wife of 44 years to rub hemp oil and lotion on me and depend on these medical products.


Here below is a googled fact about states that allow the sale of hemp and facts of the accurate THC levels read from data documented.


There are 11 legal hemp states in the USA. They are Alaska, California, Colorado, Massachusetts, Illinois, Maine, Michigan, Nevada, Vermont, Washington, and Oregon.


Hemp seed oil is extracted from seeds of the hemp plant. The extraction occurs through cold-pressing, similar to the way that olives are cold-pressed to make olive oil.

Although the hemp and the cannabis (marijuana) plant belong to the same plant family, Cannabis sativa L, they are two different plants and have different compositions. The most notable difference is the amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) present in each plant. THC is the psychoactive portion of the cannabis plant. It’s the chemical that makes you feel “high”.

While the cannabis plant has high THC levels (up to 28%), the hemp plant’s THC concentration does not exceed 0.3%. Thus, products derived from the hemp plant are unlikely to create a “high” and are mainly used for medicinal purposes.

Health Benefits

The many health benefits of hemp seed oil come from its high content of three polyunsaturated fatty acids: linoleic acid, alpha-linolenic acid, and gamma-linolenic acid. Additionally, its ratio of omega-6 (linoleic acid) to omega-3 (alpha-linolenic acid) fatty acids is 3:1.

Experts agree that this 3:1 fatty acid ratio is ideal for health benefits in humans.


At closing, I have a great hosting company and will remain there but would like to be a member here and not worry about being bounced around.  I want to thank Square for the right to express m opinion here and abide by your decision.

Sincerely Straightjacket




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