Beta Member

Item Price - Sale Price Column

Would it be possible to have a column to add a sale price for our items in Retail for Square?  Then it could have a toggle button to make that sale price live when you are using it, rather than having to change the prices and then change it back or to keep from having to use a discount.




Lisa Deen

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Square Champion


Create a Category call it Sales   Weekly Monthly etc.

Then add the sale Item to this category.  

Create a Discount and include all Items in Sales Category.

Then any item in this Category automatically gets discounted, after the sale move the item(s) back to its regular category.

The other thing you could do is create a Discount for the Item(s) then when the sale is off delete that Discount.


More on creating Discounts :3955-create-and-manage-discounts 


The alternative could be create a Discount for this weeks sale..... and select the items for this sale..... when Sale is over remove items for this discount and add the new sale items if you want or delete the discount.   If you set it up as an automatic discount there will be nothing to forget by a cashier. 

Pocono Candle

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