
Square Online - Comments section on stories/blogs

Square Online - Comments section on stories/blogs

Hey everyone, 


Is anyone aware of the ability to add comments to a webpage? Especially for blogs/story pages - so far all I can see are contact forms but none really fit the bill here. 


Thanks 🙂 


Hey @emmaagars,


It looks like the Stories section unfortunately doesn't currently allow the ability for commenting!


I've moved your post to the Feature Requests board to better track feedback for this feature in the future. I'd say that something like this would be dependent on Square Online eventually featuring customer logins to your website - I don't have an ETA for this one unfortunately, so commenting may be a while off. However, if I hear anything I'll post an update in this thread 👍

How can I add a 'comments' section to my blog posts/stories posts? 


Hey @selsari,


Thanks for your message! I moved your post into this one here, where we're currently tracking requests for this feature.


At the moment I don't have an ETA to share for this one unfortunately. It would likely require other work to be done first, such as allowing for user logins with Square Online.


I do hope it comes at some point in the future though, and I'll update this thread and tag anyone who has commented if I hear of any more news!

Thanks Seamus!!

Also adding in a request for this feature. 🙂 

Square Community Moderator

Hi @moriahcolbyrhn,


Thank you for reaching out, and welcome to the Seller Community 👋😊 


We'll be sure to tag you in this thread as soon as we have an update to share! 

Also adding in a request for this feature. 


I'd also like to request this feature. You could connect to Disqus or something rather than make customers log in. But comments are a must for stories.

Would love to add comments also, thanks!

Square Community Moderator

Thanks for adding your vote to this feature request, @gaiauncovere!