
1099 from two sources/same money

Some of the clients I service send me 1099 forms. These clients are billed, and pay through square and the money appears on the 1099 issued to me from Square. How do I avoid paying double taxes on these duplicate 1099s?

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Square Champion

hello and thank you for your question. First off as a disclosure, I am not an accountant or tax advisor, but I can share my personal experience as a fellow business owner. In the past I have been issued 1099 for money I already listed in my Quickbooks accounting program, which was filtered to me through Square payments. Because Quickbooks counted my Square payments as part of my profit or money taken in, the 1099 was duplicating that money. I think this is similar to your current situation. 


If you are doing your own taxes, you may just want to keep the client 1099 forms as part of your record, but not list those since that money is already accounted for in Square's 1099. If you have an accountant or tax advisor, they should have an answer for you on how to handle this situation. But you're correct in not wanted to pay double taxes on the same amount.


Hope this might have helped you figured out a solution. Regards...

Homestyle Charlie
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