
#2 on manual entry for month doesn't work

Hi we use IPads for our payments with the square

we use 3 in house

Since parents don't come into the school anymore and we have to do manual entrys

Every single IPad we use in the school doesn't work when you use the #2 for the month

we can only do it from my cell phone. Is there a glitch? or an update that is needed to be done? 

Message 1 of 2
Square Champion

There seems to be a lot to unpack from this.  So if you run a manual entry credit card sale on the iPad marked #2 then you are no longer able to accept payments form iPad #1 and #3?  That is definitely not how it should work and I know having multiple iPads on the same account is fine as we have over 7 on ours.  You should always be running the latest version of the Square app just so everything is up to date.


With what you have said, I think your best bet is to call Square and try to troubleshoot if there is a setting wrong on the device or something.  I can't even think of a setting that could cause other devices to stop working.



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