
Best practice for handling community-issued "Bucks" vouchers?

To promote local shopping, my town is issuing "Town Bucks" vouchers, in various denominations, that participating merchants are meant to accept like cash. As such, if a $5 "Town Buck" is used by a customer to pay for a $3.50 charge, the merchant is to give the customer $1.50 cash change. Merchants redeem their collected "Town Bucks" periodically from the town at a 1:1 ratio - so eventually Merchants do get their cash.

Since Square "gift cards", vouchers & discounts can only be used as payment up to the value of the sale, these are not options that will allow me to accept a $5 "Town Buck" against a $3.50 charge and give the customer back $1.50 in change - just as if the "Town Buck" was cash.

The only option I see is to accept and record the "Town Bucks" as cash within Square, meaning I need to keep a second set of books to keep track of "Town Bucks" accepted and ultimately redeemed by us for cash from the town.

Does anyone with experience with this type of program have any suggestions or lessons-learned they can share?

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Square Community Moderator

Welcome to the Community, @snappingturtle


That sounds like an awesome program your town put together! I wish there was a way to integrate it into our system, so you could participate in it. 


Right now, I don't have a solid workaround that could accommodate such a program with our system. 


I will keep an eye out if I come across anything and pass it your way.  

Community Moderator, Square
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