Square Community Moderator

Beta Now Recruiting: Appointments Commission Tracking

By popular demand, we’re ready to test another new update to Square Appointments: Commission Tracking!


Commission tracking will allow you to assign unique commission rates to each of your employees based on the service performed, or product sold.




Screen Shot 2020-08-04 at 11.47.17 AM.png


We're looking for feedback from both you and your employees on this beta. If you’re interested in trying it out, please reply “I’m in!” or any variation of such, and we’ll get you setup. 😎


To share feedback, please make sure you are a member of our Beta Community, a private community where you can provide feedback, get support on latest features, report bugs and submit additional product requests. We'll be tracking your feedback in this group.


Your participation and input is important to us. When you provide feedback, you help improve your future experience with Square. Hope you and yours are staying safe! 


Happy testing, and see you in our Beta Community.

Michelle (she/her)
Senior Beta Manager, Square
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Message 1 of 7
Beta Member

Yes!!! I'm in!

Message 2 of 7
Beta Member

@MichelleSQ we are successfully using the commission with Square Appointments - and I have a question - which goes a bit beyond just the commission but is tied to it. So here is the scenario.


We have barbers that are strictly on commission and only on the services they sell. Not on the items they sell. One of our promotions is a haircut and a beer for $25. This is set-up as a service, however, here is where we are running into issues.


1) We need to be able to set this as a service for a customer to choose - and when they do, they are given the option for what beer they want to select.

2) The barbers are currently thinking that they are getting a commission based on the service fee, which includes the beer. So we need to break this service out so that the commission is paid only on the actual service cost - not the service and item bundled promo.


Is the above possible? We really need this so as to make the team sales report - where we can see who has sold what - and where the commissions for a barber are shown - to be correct  -and not require a recalculation each time due to the combo promo.


Modifiers on services with modifiers affecting inventory would be the easiest - but I don't think this is something that Square currently does...


Please advise. Thanks!

James Wilkinson
Message 3 of 7
Square Community Moderator

Hey @JPWilkinson !


I connected with the Product Team for this feature and they've relayed the following (which I've summarized/edited for clarity):


We assume your item is currently set up using Variations to allow the customer the option to pick a beer (like the screenshot below).


Michelle (she/her)
Senior Beta Manager, Square
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Message 4 of 7
Beta Member

I don't see any attachment?

James Wilkinson
Message 5 of 7
Square Community Moderator

@JPWilkinson Sorry about that! Looks like the reply disappeared after the screenshot upload 🤔


Screen Shot 2020-09-09 at 9.23.11 AM.png


It sounds like you want to only charge commission on the haircut portion, and not the beer portion. We assume you have it currently set up so that the customer is using your variations to choose the beer during the booking flow. If so, we're unable at the moment to break down the commission applied as that's a bit of a complex calculation we have not implemented yet. Definitely helpful feedback for our team as they continue investigating additional workflows to support for commissions tracking. 

Michelle (she/her)
Senior Beta Manager, Square
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Message 6 of 7
Beta Member

Hi @MichelleSQ - services are being used - and so we cannot use modifiers or bundles. What we can only do is give a few service options with a different name but then we cannot have the customer select a beer because, well - the system won't allow us to.



James Wilkinson
Message 7 of 7