
Credit Card Fraud Story

I am a wedding planning service. Here are some things that put up a red flag for CC fraud. 


1/ Before anything, customers first question was if I accept CC as form of payment and was extremely interested in knowing what CC processor we use.


2/ He was hesitant in providing his full name and partners full name.


3/ His billing address address is registered to different home owners.


4/ He was not compliant in filling out my credit card authorization form. He just wanted to text me his CC info.


5/ The ZIP code is from out of state and doesn’t match his billing. He provided two different forms of payment. Both with different ZIP codes. I didn’t bother running the second card. I had a funny feeling. We are from California. The ZIP (both of them) are from Michigan.


6/ he expressed no interest in speaking on the phone or meeting in person to plan a wedding?


7/ He asked me to make a cash deposit to a third party vendor (a “photographer”) to a checking account with Chase Bank. I have the account name and number (both account # and routing #). I did not feel comfortable doing this as he failed to show me a contract with the Photography Service and none of his payments were going through.


8/ I attempted to contact Chase Bank to ask them to monitor and/or prosecute the account holder who I am certain is the individual commuting the credit card fraud.

I can provide extremely detailed correspondence if needed. How can we prevent this person from doing this to others?

Thank you.

Respectfully yours,
Ione [Personal Information Redacted]

Message 1 of 4
Square Champion

sounds like red flags almost the entire way.  never be afraid to ask for more information or to follow your instincts and take a client that you think is going to scam you.

Message 2 of 4

Just got one a few days ago.  This man claims that he is hearing impaired so can not talk on the phone just text, and ssk for catering order for 120 people in a venue.  Offered to put 75% down immediately and asked me to add $ 5100 extra charge for down payment to the venue..he said the venue does not have access to credit card (which is weird...) and he can not do it himself because he has to go for a surgery...He proceed to ask for bill him with several invoices until the date of the event. The next day he wanted me to cash deposit the money to the venue's account. The funny thing is .does not even remember the original order and the date of the event....yeah I told him to go #### himself 🙂 I hope this will not happen to anyone ...

Message 3 of 4

Sounds just like the guy who tried to commit fraud with us. May even be the same one! He said all the same things, even hearing impairment. What a joke.

Message 4 of 4