
Customer issue at shipping

Hi Square Team


I have just had a customer message me to say that her order is "bugging out" at the shipping page on my site. She is based overseas (France) and has purchased from me before without any issues. 


Is this related to the syncing issues currently being experienced? 


I'm soooo grateful I have customers who message me rather than abandon their order but can someone investigate please as I have two new US customers who have indicated they want to place orders and I'm concerned they won't be able to.


@Arie - can you help PLEASE 🙂


Thank you.


Sarah - Bohemian Ways

Message 1 of 4

Hi guys


I'm not sure if this is linked to the syncing issues currently being experienced but I've just had a customer tell me that Square online is "bugging out" when she gets to shipping. She is based overseas (France) and has placed orders with me before without any problems. I'm so grateful I have lovely customers that let me know, rather than giving up on the order!! But I'm wondering if this is why two new customers in the US who I was speaking with at the weekend have not placed orders - I'm going to message them to find out. 


Can someone in the Square Support team have a look PLEASE and get back to me.


Thank you 


Sarah - Bohemian Ways 



Message 2 of 4
Square Community Moderator

Hey @sjh2010,


Thanks for writing back into the community 😊 


There's no reported issues with shipping on Square Online at the moment.


I've just taken a look at your website, and was able to successfully go through the checkout page, including the shipping. I added an address in France, and the "Rest of the World" shipping rate was successfully applied. Would you be able to find out which browser your customer used when checking out? 



Message 3 of 4

Hi Arie


Thank you ever so much for checking 🥰


I’ll ask my customer but I suspect she’ll be fast asleep now lol. I’ll let you know when I hear back from her.


Sarah - Bohemian Ways 

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