
Do you need a place to meet? We are offering virtual meeting places.

For Immediate Release
March 27, 2020

A Dimension Beyond, Inc. Virtual World Hosting Services and Metaverse Software have come together to offer free virtual meeting and classroom space to those in need. With Covid-19 virus forcing all of us to shelter in place we are offering our virtual spaces so you can have classes and meetings where you can all be together in a virtual space right from your home, no social distancing needed!

First we are offering cybaLOUNGE, a virtual classroom and meeting system that runs entirely on a web browser. This means no downloading a viewer or dealing with the IT department to make it work! CybaLOUNGE runs on all types of computers, tablets and cell phones. You can use it most anywhere you are as long as you have a relatively recent device and a good internet connection!

CybaLOUNGE has chat, voice, video playback, file sharing, and whiteboard capabilities all set into a virtual space of your choosing. You can even build your own space to share with others. You can learn more by going here on the A Dimension Beyond webpage: https://adimensionbeyond.com/cybalounge-hosting/

There is a classroom region to check out by going into cybaLOUNGE here: https://cybalounge.us/location.html?locationid=800000021&dl=true

A quickstart user manual for cybaLOUNGe is here: https://wiki.metaverse.media/doku.php

A Dimension Beyond has also set up a small grid on our servers that runs OpenSimulator. There are spaces there to get together with others. OpenSim is a virtual world system that has been around quite a long time and has rich graphics and realistic avatars. It offers chat, voice and presentation screens.

With OpenSim you will have to download a viewer and set it up to enter the virtual world. Open Sim viewers run on Windows, Mac and Linux. There are several very good viewers available to download for free.

There is more information here on the A Dimension Beyond website: https://adimensionbeyond.com/opensim-dreamgrid/

A Dimension Beyond is here: https://adimensionbeyond.com/

Metaverse Software is here: https://metaverse.software/?page_id=173

You can contact us using the form here: https://adimensionbeyond.com/contact-us/

Steve LaVigne
A Dimension Beyond, Inc.


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