
I am looking to hire somone to rebuild my square website

I am looking for someone to help me rebuild our apparel website.  I am new to square and customers are getting confused on our website.  Please send help! LOL

Message 1 of 3
Square Champion

Hi @NotRightNow.  I’ve always maintained mine myself, so I can’t give you any specific people.  However, Square has this resource of specialists in the fields of marketing, design and development.  It might be a place to start.


In the short term, if you want to send the URL of your store, maybe I/we could look it over and give you a few pointers to make your current site less confusing until you get a professional rebuild done!




If my answer resolves your issue, please take a minute to mark it as Best Answer. That helps people who find this thread in the future.

Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

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Message 2 of 3

Hi NotRightNow!


It can be very frustrating when you're first starting out and everything feels like it's in a different language and you only know a few words! I promise it will get easier!


I just took a very brief glance at your site (tracked it down via a previous post of yours) - in transit at the moment, will look it over more thoroughly in a little while. However, think I can definitely make some suggestions... or more... I did freelance graphics and web design for years and have helped plenty of clients with their Square sites, not to mention for my own various handcraft ventures over the years. Now mostly focusing on my and my partner's new business, but still take on the odd project here and there.


But that's neither here nor there at the moment, other than as somewhat of a bonafide 😁 If you would like, why don't we start with some back and forth regarding what you perceive as issues with the site as well as more specifically where you are feeling "stuck", and I can give you my assessment of the site with suggestions on ways to improve, respond to what you bring up, and give you an idea of various ways to go about accomplishing what you need.


Ball is in your court, message me if you'd like!

Message 3 of 3