
Images not loading in Site Items editing page

I've been trying to sync my etsy to my square for hours and no matter what I try it won't work. 
I've given up and I am now adding items manually but my images wont load properly in the site items page.

Its loading an image but its jumbled text like coding that failed to load the proper image. 
I'm so fed up with Square right now and I just paid to upgrade and launch my site but now this is happening. 

Does anyone know why or how to fix it?

Message 1 of 3
Beta Member

The sync feature between square and etsy causes a lot of problems, we did end up having to manually enter on both our etsy and our square online store. If you press the sync button it will overwrite anything you have on square which becomes a massive time suck trying to correct. That being said Etsy will still sync sales information and inventory between both platforms if you link your Square and Etsy but do not press the "Sync" button. There is a minor time delay and your Sales number may take up to a day to match on your Etsy profile. Its a giant pain in the butt but we kept the two platforms synced for a few months to build our sales number on Etsy as it boosts your ranking on that platform to get the ball rolling there we have since unlinked and continue to have a reasonable sales volume. 

Message 2 of 3
Square Community Moderator

Hey there, @Fermegrf


Welcome back to the Community. 


Are you still seeing this syncing issues with your Etsy account? 


This Support Article has the basics when it comes to your integration with Etsy. Double check your set-up matches the information in the article. 


Another area I would recommend checking, is with Etsy. See if there are any connection issues on their end. The Support Team will want to rule that out before diving into your account. 


I will keep an eye out for your reply๐Ÿ‘€

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 3 of 3