
Is Square a reliable way to book tee times online?

Due to Covid-19, our golf course is trying to figure out a way to offer prepaid tee times to reduce face to face interaction. If we already have a tee time management system, is Square a reliable way to book tee times online? Would the process be any different than ordering food?

Message 1 of 5
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Hi @challedongolf,


Square definitely has a reliable platform, so my answer would be yes you could do a tee-time system. The system would take a little tweaking as there is no prebuilt 'tee-time' build-out, but if you think about a tee-time as an appointment, you could use the system to have people book and pay online. If you wanted to get a bit more technical, you could use the Square API to have a custom interface. I think the only challenging bit is to display how many open slots in a 4-some are available, but this is definitely solvable.


The online ordering for your clubhouse/restaurant can be on the same account and you can even leverage the pickup feature for people playing.


I would recommend putting the 'appointments' (tee-times) and food on different pages of your website, which you can build through Weebly/Square Online Store.

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Message 2 of 5

Best Answer

Hi @challedongolf,


Square definitely has a reliable platform, so my answer would be yes you could do a tee-time system. The system would take a little tweaking as there is no prebuilt 'tee-time' build-out, but if you think about a tee-time as an appointment, you could use the system to have people book and pay online. If you wanted to get a bit more technical, you could use the Square API to have a custom interface. I think the only challenging bit is to display how many open slots in a 4-some are available, but this is definitely solvable.


The online ordering for your clubhouse/restaurant can be on the same account and you can even leverage the pickup feature for people playing.


I would recommend putting the 'appointments' (tee-times) and food on different pages of your website, which you can build through Weebly/Square Online Store.

Message 2 of 5

Have you found a solution? I am interested in seeing if you were able to find a solution that doesn't cost thousands of dollars. We own a disc golf course (a TON less profitable than a legit golf course) and I have this same question.

Message 3 of 5

Hi, if you're interested in trying out Easy Tee, reach out through the contact form on our website or send us an email at admin @ easyteegolf.com. We might be able to work something out that fits within your budget. 

Message 4 of 5

If you're still looking, Easy Tee Golf is a tee sheet app that integrates with Square, https://easyteegolf.com/. I'm the founder and would love to answer any questions you have. 

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