
Is there a way for appts that are marked as no show or canceled to not disappear from calendar?

Appointments that are marked as no show or cancelled from the appointment app disappear after they are marked. Is it just me that gets frustrated by that?  I would like to see the appointments on the calendar from even the ones that no showed and cancelled. 

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You can display canceled appointments on your Calendar! Here are the steps: 


  1. From your online Appointments Calendar > click the date range at the top of the screen.
  2. Then click the Day/Week/Month.
  3. Uncheck Show cancelled appointments


Screenshot 2019-08-21 at 18.34.51.png


This filter includes no-shows too!

️ Helen
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Awesome,  Thank you. 

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You're welcome! 

️ Helen
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I want to see a list of clients that are marked as no show and a list of canceled also I would like a separate category for them to have to pay before they can book. One last thing block certain clients once they put in their information if they are a no show or have canceled more than 3 times within a year

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