
Item Library Needs Update

Hi - I have different product categories with their own item categories. Each item has different variations. It works for the most part with how Square currently has everything setup, but not really. In order to have both size and type for variations, they have to be combined, which makes the list never-ending. However, if one variation is listed then the other variations are applied via modifiers, those modifiers don't show on the dashboard. I have to do an indepth items summary via online if I want to know how many of that product sold in that specific size and style. It's truly a pain in the ass. For example:


  • Apothecary
    • Salves
      • Almond Rose | 2
      • Almond Rose | 4
      • Dandelion | 2
      • Dandelion | 4


That is what I have to do for multiple types of variations. Or I would have to individually enter each type of item then have the sizes listed for variations. Either way I am left with either a very long and annoying list of products or I can shorten it but not know what products are doing well and which arent without logging online and downloading the items detail spreadsheet.


To be honest, the "Categories" are basically useless on the mobile app because you can't actually use them. They can only be selected for use on the tablet app. So it's a waste of category when most products often have multiple variations. It all needs to be more coehsive and work better together. I wouldn't dispise using modifiers if I could see them on the dashboard app or even online without having to download a csv. 

Message 1 of 2
Square Champion

I know what you mean about the variations. It won't list the item variation in the item name, so it looks like the same things sold.

Have you considered using a barcode scanner? That way, you could have a million things in the library with long descriptive names, and not need to scroll through any page.

At any given time, our library contains 1000+ individual items, so scrolling through a page just isn't an option for us anymore. We put barcodes on everything.

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