
Meet a Super Seller: LocavoreStore

Hi everyone, I'd like to introduce one of our newest Super Sellers - @LocavoreStore! We are thrilled to have Arthur on board as a Community Super Seller!  We did a quick interview with LocavoreStore so that you all can get to know them a little better. Read on to learn more about their locally-focused store in Hawaii, and about how LocavoreStore likes to help out in the community. 


Tell us a little about your business. 

  • The Locavore Store has been open for 5 years. In 2012 we moved our small farmers market booth indoors and opened a retail location in Downtown Pahoa, Hawaii. After a short scare and close encounter with an active lava flow threatening to mow over our small town, we relocated the store to Downtown Hilo (30 miles away), where we have now been for 2.5 years (the lava stopped within a few hundred feet of the road, and hasn't advanced since). We've branched out and now offer a wide selection of locally produced goods, from meats and cheeses to avocados, local artist prints and jewelry, bath and body products, spices, and ice cream, to beeswax candles, oils, and nuts. All local, and comprised of local ingredients.

When did you start using Square?

  • We started using Square in 2012 on the heels of trying to keep track of all sales in a notepad. Considering 100% of our sales were consignment and things that were sold by weight, discovering Square changed our world.

What do you know now that you wish you would have known on day 1 of starting your business?

  • On our first day, I wish I would have known... That's a hard one. Maybe data processing? I wish I would have known Excel in the way I do now. Back then we were basically beating at it with a stick to produce what we needed it to. We could have saved ourselves a lot of time by knowing data processing a little better.

What questions can you help with in the community?

  • To be fair, I don't have a whole lot of "hands on" experience with the Square Register itself these days. I am probably most useful with light IT questions, and other back-end data related topics. I spend most of my time dealing with the inventory. So my favorite topic is probably item management in general.


What's your favorite discussion topic?

  • I also handle all things design related at the store. We buy a lot of things in bulk and repackage them. So I spend a lot of my time designing labels and packaging for some of the products that we sell. I'm really into packaging and print design.


Thank you again, @LocavoreStore - we're excited to have you as part of the Square Community family! 🎉

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