
Newsletter - where are they going? Cause my clients are not getting them!

Recently I’ve created two new list One was a list of all the subcontractors that we work with and one was a list of friends and family.  When we sent out newsletters I was getting feedback that they never received my emails. So where are they going? If they aren’t getting my messages then are my clients? If not why am I paying for this service??

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Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @NicoleFae. Thanks for reaching out here on the Seller Community! So sorry for the trouble here. I think I can help clarify a bit.


Marketing campaigns (newsletters in this case) are confirmed as sent out by our internal systems - but it is up to your customers email provider to ensure that they are ultimately delivered. It is possible that your customers individual email provider has opted into marking your campaign emails as spam and therefore pushes them out of your customers main email queue.


We recommend your customers follow these troubleshooting steps if they are not receiving your newsletter emails.


If you think this issue requires a bit more hands-on troubleshooting, our Support Team is standing by to assist by phone! Feel free to reach out when available.


Community Moderator, Square
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